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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I don’t see any detriment to giving trans people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too.

    They don’t want to feel different and “other” though, which a separate bathroom would absolutely do. The kids don’t care, the kids don’t have your old school hangups. So let’s not breed new hangups, let’s let the old ones die.

    As to sports, we get to decide how things are organized. Sports rules aren’t handed down from on high. We can change the sorting of genders to make it fair and inclusive. We can experiment with different ways of sorting until we find that correct balance. We don’t have to cling to the old ways just because it’s what we’re uses to.

  • Same, I’ve easily had phones last for 4-5 years. My husband and I both keep them til there’s something annoying enough to warrant an upgrade, be that lacking capabilities or wear-and-tear damage.

    The kid then gets the option to upgrade her current hand-me-down phone with whatever we just replaced. I replaced this phone a year or two ago, I don’t expect to replace it for quite a while.

    Absolutely no reason to upgrade a phone every year. I highly recommend getting the phone protected with a good case and possibly a screen protector to anyone who doesn’t do this already.

  • It does look powerful though. He looks super strong and has an incredibly hot women who is into him, many guys want to live that fantasy.

    Do you think Natalie Portman was ogling him because she thought he looked hot and the camera happened to catch her staring or do you think it was written into the script?

    I simply don’t see women clamoring for men to go to these extremes. I’m not saying doesn’t happen, I just don’t think it’s very often. And it’d be super cool if the men on this thread would take comments from women about our own experiences at face value and not assume we’re what? Being coy about what we actually find attractive?

  • I’m a woman, I have had many girls nights out with sex positive women… And yet no drooling over sexy superheros (or any other dudes)

    I haven’t had a conversation like that since I was a teenager, many many years ago. (And even then it wasn’t hulked out guys we were giggling over, it was Nsync. Fully clothed.)