• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Highly recommend to do “news breaks”.

    I really feel better since I started avoiding the news. I just read the headlines of some notifications on my phone and it’s enough for me.

    I feel almost as great as when I ditched Facebook a long time ago.

    Makes you realize how heavy the news can be to moral.

    Like the recent headlines about subsidized oil being very much a thing now. This is so very deeply disturbing I just can’t handle it. And I just read the headline I can’t even imagine reading a full article explaining to me that we are getting worse for climate change. We indeed are accelerating toward the cliff.

    Still, I feel still so much more relaxed not watching the news on any kind of video platform.

    Try it.

  • Oh I’m sure the incredibly powerful lobby you are speaking about will be totally fine with a law dictating the way they style and display their packaging.

    Also the pure nightmare of implementing in law what you say for a wide range of products. Let’s say I want to sell an individual vegan “steak” but I can’t put a large packaging just for the label ?

    Also, the purposefully misleading labels in the food industry is already pretty common so I think I’m not exaggerating when I say than any gap in the law will be abused.

    And it’s again extremely difficult to protect one single word without it’s context.

    For instance, in steaks we usually try to have the amount of fat in it because it gives you an indication of the amount of actual meat in your steak. Because I could wildly vary the amount and sell you 0.1% meat steaks that is actually vegetables which is much cheaper. It is not the first time that the food industry has tried to sell litteral fake meat. It’s an expensive product and if you can make it for cheap and keep at the same price it’s obviously worth it.

    What I genuinely don’t understand is why vegan products are trying so hard to look like non vegan products?

    Is it important for a bunch of vegetables composition to be called a steak ? If anything I would think a vegan product would want to stand out from standard meat ?

    You won’t convert to veganism people by selling them fake steaks. It doesn’t work.

    You achieve so much more teaching kids that eatings meals without meat is fine and we are starting to do it in schools.

    But thinking someone that ate meat all his life will become vegan because he found this wonderful vegan steak is imo quite delusional and missing the point.

    Food industry wants to sell you a product not matter how. Less restrictions for them is not a good news.

  • I definitely think people can and WILL get confused by purposefully confusing packaging.

    If the law says you can use vegetarian steak the producer will put an ultra large font STEAK and a minuscule “vegetarian” in front.

    So laws that ban explicit sentences are absolutely useless and will be avoided in a matter of minutes.

    I’m all for french people eating less meat but it will never work by “tricking” the consumers by using meat terms for vegetarian food.

    And I’m not gatekeeping the meat words for it. I just think we can easily find new words for vegan products and that’s fine and avoid getting misleading products.

  • Seriously, what is the real-world impact here? Imagine for a second that some miracle vegetarian steak could be confused for a beef one. Why does it matter? Someone might accidentally eat a vegetable?

    I’m sorry but you have no issues with a product label being misleading as long it’s pushing people to eat vegetables?

    Would you have the same opinion if it was an animal steak being sold to you as “Vegan steak” ?

    Point is, we don’t want misleading names for products. Imo people are actively trying to make this topic a political one when it’s a consumer protection issue.

    If it’s not a steak, call it something else. It will be clearer for the consumer.

  • I’m usually pretty relaxed when it comes to disclosure of vulnerabilities but this is the kind of issues where I think it would have been better to privately report the issue to the Lemmy dev and wait ( a long time probably) for it to be fixed before disclosing.

    Especially since currently there is multiple people abusing the image hosting feature.

    Not a big deal, but sometimes it is actually a better practice to give an opportunity to the dev to fix something before forcing them to do so in a hurry.

  • La difficulté de ce sujet c’est de gérer une PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) a l’échelle d’un pays.

    Il me semble que l’Estonie le fait déjà mais a l’échelle Française c’est un énorme travail.

    Il faut:

    • Implémenter un bon niveau de sécurité pour la gestion de la PKI ainsi que son utilisation
    • Avoir des gens pour gérer les demandes des utilisateurs, créer des certificats, les révoquer.
    • Fournir un moyen sure et fiable pour que tout citoyen puisse facilement utilisé ce certificat. Vraisemblablement un lecteur de carte à puce pour chaque foyer désirant utiliser cela.

    Bref, entre les cartes à puce bloqués, les cartes volés, les lecteurs défectueux etc c’est un travail titanesque et il faudrait presque un organisme d’état dédié à sa gestion.

    J’adorerai voir ce projet aboutir un jour en France mais je sais qu’il faudra un temps considérable pour mettre en place un tel système.

    Mais on sait que ça marche, c’est juste l’échelle et le prix je suppose qui pose problème.