• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • i am unsure what you mean about not interfaceing with apple? I heard in america imessage is a big thing that prevents that, but the rest of the world doesnt really use it. and besides there are many messangers that let you interface.

    also i mean the burden to move. the burdon to leave the alphabet system is just as hard as the apple system imo. its just annoying both dont make it easy for any cross useage.

    Edit: just wanna make clear i am not an apple apologist. i heavily prefer open source alternatives and use them whereever i can. i just dont get how people act as if andeoid/google/ect. are better or even good alternatives.

  • no you got a point. i think your listed problems are the main problems you can have. with the hefty price and the “elite” vibe they sell in ads and so on, its really easy to hate. hateing apple feels like punching up.

    and (most) android users dont realise that instead of beeing in apples eco system they are “trapped” in googles. I apprechiate apple for them not just blatently selling personal data, recorded from my phone. I also think in terms of polish there is no competiton. whoever used both, iphone and android phone, cant deny that ios is just far more polished. everything just works.

    I personally dont like the apple proprietary ecosystem, but with no really good open source phone os, they are the best alternative on the marked atm. i dont know about laptops.

  • Heyho it’s me again. After a rough patch in my life i got a sick note freeing me from work. Thankfully i live in a country that values mental health as highly than physical health. combined with a healthy environment at home i can actively relax and recharge. Ngl i do feel somewhat guilty of letting my coworkers down, but i know rationally its for the better. Today i will meet up with my board game group to play some games. This should be nice, since they all know my struggles and respect my limits. Next week is more active relaxation and self care planned. Wish you all a nice week. Take care!

  • i can feel this picture. for me it represents the times where i am in a situation that should be calm and relaxing, but somewhere in the back of my head sits this anxiety and makes me paniky and turns the calm scene into a paranoid nightmare. it luckily has been a while since the last time i experienced that big time. i also really like that town. reminds me of my home area, and i love my night walks. this picture perfectly capsules how irrational fear can ruin the nicest thing :( i hope you are in better times now, OP!

  • So my last week was pretty bad. even worse than the one before. i didnt find any chance to practive self care, and stress just grew more and more. im probably in a depressive episode by now aswell, which seriously impacts my rather healthy social life, since my anxiety is now on rampage. this is double bad since there are many events, and social things i would like to do. i spend the weekend to accept that i have to drop all of those plans and focus on my mental health. hope you week have been better.

    oh i kinda want to make a personal goal aswell. my personal goal is to catch up on my chores as much as i can and then reward myself with well earned alone time, and be aware that this is a good thing, and i am allowed to be a little goblin in my little cave form time to time ^^

  • thank you for that comment. i am trying. communities like this have helped me a lot in the past and i am just happy to be able to give back with relatively low effort. while i know alot about anxiety i know little about moderating online. its my first time, and i am a bit unsure where i am overshooting or underperforming. it is a learning process for me aswell, and we will see what works best. on a related note, i always apprechiate any kind of feedback.

    i agree that it can be daunting to post or comment. i certainly dont want anyone to feel pushed. but i want everyone to feel invited if they want to share something. i think and hope we have a community here that is welcoming and not judgeing, to whoever needs it. if noone needs it, that would honestly make me happy ^^ but realistically the modern life is such a catalyst for mental health issues its sad. and all we humans can do is be there for each other, understand, and support.

    and finally i wholeheartly agree. selflove is so important, and way to little teached. you also take care of yourself :)

  • i might aswell go first again. this week was a rather rough one for me. work really wore me out and made me want to crawl back into my cave. but at the same time i found some passion in three new projects. one is an art project i procrastinated on for years now ^^" the second on is a little pokemon battle simulation i am creating (im learing to code and its fun so far) and the third one is this very community. i am so delighted to see that this place is useful for many people. next week i want to focus more on working on these two project. and in general take greater care in self care. sometimes i tend to forget to do nice things for myself. so i actively plan for a bath and some nice food ^^ its important to take a step back now and then and check on how i am actually doing since in the stress of life i sometimes oversee problems. ngl, i somewhat wanted to make these megathreads for selfish reasons lol. but maybe someone else will have an interest to share :3