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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • First, prevent accumulation of more bags. Is there something that would remind you to take them? Eg if you use a car to go to the shops, put them in the car. Or if you normally carry a bag or backpack, put some in there. After that, if you have more than you can use, and they are in good condition, you could give them to a food pantry. Or, if not, reuse as rubbish bags. Unfortunately there is no soft plastics recycling anymore.

  • Not long ago I was talking to someone who mentioned going on holiday in October and I said I guess you’ll have to vote early. And they said they had no idea referendum was happening, and what’s it about? Ok odd, but I explained it. And then tonight on tv I see other people being interviewed who also had no idea. The thing that I now wonder though, is how can someone be so totally isolated from any and all tv, radio, social media, discussions etc, that they literally have not heard a thing? I felt oddly philosophical, how does a person live such a life? Spending your time on earth having no idea of the events that happen while you are alive. Philosophical musing over.

    Update: thankyou for your insights! Re-reading my comment, I hope it does not sound critical, it was not my intent, just wondering what the circumstances were, because in my lifestyle I get a lot of exposure to all kinds of current affairs.

  • Agree it’s time for some self care. Interviews are so stressful. But it’s hard to know what the result will be, you don’t know what happened with the other candidates, or if the employer had the same perception of the answers that you did of yourself. However if you don’t get the job, it’s ok! There will be others and you will be more prepared for them due to the experience from this one.

  • Like any other hobby. Slowly. Learn information online, tv shows, asking people who are good gardeners. Trial and error. Be observant during the trial and error, and then check what went wrong and how to do it better next time.

    As for insects, you will encounter them. I wear gloves while gardening. I’ve been gardening a long time and never been bitten by a spider. So it might be a matter of small steps and maybe start with pot plants where there is a very low chance of insects and move up to outdoor gardening when you feel ready. Maybe reading up on the different kinds would help to feel better? Many insects are not only super beneficial to a successful garden, but absolutely essential. For example bees and worms. Good luck! Gardening is a fun and peaceful hobby. Oh and almost forgot, Gardening Australia on ABC is an excellent show with very good information and inspiration.

  • Is it a small company? CEO could be in a business of 10 people or 1000 people, and if it’s a small business they may want to check you will fit the ‘vibe’ of the company. Treat the interview the same way you did the first, it obviously worked! The first interview is often skills focussed, and the second interview means they think you can do the job but want to look a bit more at work style, soft skills and other fit factors, which may include meet and greet with others in the company that you’ll be working with. After the interview these people will have a chat with each other to see if they think you’ll be a good fit. So I would say be professional and try to share some aspects of your work style that you think are positives, and also take the opportunity to be engaged and ask them questions also. Remember the interview can also help you suss out if the people and organisation are somewhere you would enjoy working.