• 83 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • but a tool that takes away the toil of monitoring

    Ok, so Lifelabs posts patient lab results online for them to see. They CLEARLY mark “high” and “low” for items that are out of range (of the norm).

    A nurse would quite literally crosscheck 50 blood markers in a matter of seconds, without the need for expensive AI or at a risk of them losing their job/qualifications.

    In this specific case, the fever + high WBC would be more than enough for a nurse to know that something was up. It makes me think that adding AI just adds another step.

    I’m not saying that the application of AI to detect abnormalities is wasteful, but I do think it’s unnecessary and possibly a negative in the context of basic lab work.

  • That warning showed the patient’s white blood cell count was “really, really high,” recalled Bell, the clinical nurse educator for the hospital’s general medicine program.

    I’m not a doctor, but even an idiot would know when a WBC is “really, really high” and assume infection. I mean, shit, "suffering from a cat bite and a fever, but otherwise appeared fine "… um, a cat bite AND A FEVER… red flag!

    “It’s not replacing the nurse at the bedside; it’s actually enhancing your nursing care.”

    I would argue that this would make nurses less important, and would make them “lazy” by not giving them opportunities to identify these simple things on a regular basis.

    Would a nurse who doesn’t know what a very high WBC entails be paid less? I would think so.

    I can see AI/machine learning used in very complex cases where a human HCP would simply not have the number-crunching capability to find a diagnosis, but this was not that case.

  • there should be no decorations on municipal crosswalks

    You could make an argument that crosswalks should be painted a standard colour with expected markings, since it’s a safety/accessibility issue that that point.

    or displaying of flags supporting political, social, or religious movements or commercial entities

    The people who put the package together lumped everything into the same category.

    Sure, we should NOT have religious flags on our government buildings. By that token, we should remove any and all religion from those buildings and any texts, too. No mention of God, especially.

    Commercial entities? Yeah, they don’t belong on government flag poles.

    Political? I’d need an example. I would not want to see the flag of various parties on a government building. That’s just inappropriate.

    But social movements? They stay. I WANT my local, provincial, and federal governments to show support for marginalized groups. That includes our LGBTQ, indigenous, disabled, visible minorities, etc.

    I’m proud to see our local fire and police vehicles with rainbow flag stickers on them.

    Separate the hate from the reasonable, and this petition might not seem so ass backwards.

  • Can you share the software you went to use? Maybe there’s a good Linux alternative or someone knows how to get it working in wine.

    These are all paid programs that don’t have viable alternatives and/or I actually need to use them.

    A few off the top of my head:

    • Excire Foto
    • Jpegmini Pro
    • Garmin Basecamp
    • Garmin Express
    • several paid video editing/photo editing apps; I’ve tried alternatives, but they aren’t nearly as intuitive.
    • Reolink camera software.
    • ACP Ups software.

    I do my best to find alternatives to other software, and prefer to use self-hosted solutions, but the ones above aren’t really easy to replace, so I’d rather just run them in a VM.

    I’ve use VMs in windows to run Linux, so I’m aware of the performance hit and possible startup times (but I use snapshots for quick access). I’m not too concerned about that for any of these programs, since I’m only using them from time-to-time.