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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Counterpoint, libs cared about kids in cages when it was trump doing it. Ive never seen so many people energetic and aware about government abuses. It was the same with war in the middleast when Obama took over from Bush. All the average antiwar blues stopped watching and couldnt car less about drone bombing funerals and ambulances.

    The two party system does not promote engagement or representation. I get this is a bigger issue than the election but my biggest fear is that the slow walk to fascism under the “we’re the good party” will be more enduring and successful than the attempts from Red to March forward.

    The average lib “shut up and vote blue or you support fascism” crybully will fall asleep again for four years and sleepwalk their way to the same goal without any self reflection along the way.

    Note this is not in favor of accelerationism, but a criticism of this idea that all we can do is slow the roll with a vote every now and then and throw our hands up.

  • Man I have fun with hats but I feel you. Sometimes I’m like bro if I wore my glasses I’d look like the fkn soyjack. But you know what, I couldnt wear hats when I was serving at a bar. I still got a lot of attention. I met my now wife at a sales job where I couldnt wear hats. I bic it down to nothing and people want to rub it cause its shiny and smooth.

    I miss my hair, it was shoulder length in highschool. I dyed it often, I styled it like flock of seagulls or edrward scissor hands for fun, I wore a Mohawk for a while. It was great while it lasted and its okay to mourn it, Even if it was only superficial. Its natural to feel like your self image was rocked. You’re still you and you’re still valid.

    People may tease you and you gotta roll with it. When a kid says your bald ask him if he knows where your forehead ends. Whatever the answer correct them and say no its the back of my neck or whatever. It takes me a long time to get ready for bed because I dont know where to stop washing my face. Well if its good enough for that eagle its good enough for me. If you cant find peace you can sure find a hair piece… or save to go get expensive surgical solutions.

    Hope you feel better though dude