Except voting day in Australia is on a weekend, not during the week. And there are also pre polling centres, where if you plan to be away on vacation or working on voting day, you can go along to a pre poll centre and vote weeks in advance. Australia also has mail in and even telephone voting for those unable to visit these centres.
Sadly it is. I regularly go into Brisbane and have seen the amount of folks sleeping rough at least triple in the list couple of years.
It can be, and it’s a valid point. But some countries do publicly fund their government broadcaster and have safeguards in place to maintain journalistic integrity. It can be done properly.
Australia is one: https://about.abc.net.au/who-we-are/the-abc-board/. The ABC regularly has fact checking articles for politicians on all sides and has exposed many a government scandal over the years.
I hate Mondays.
I certainly don’t want it, although I am hoping there will be significant improvements to public transport and active transport infrastructure because of it. Wishful thinking I know.
Did they ever release the final costings for the Gold Coast Comm Games? I reckon they lost money on it, and as someone involved at the time ferrying people around the GC during the Games, the place was dead. It didn’t bring the tourist dollars it was supposed to.
Have done my food shopping at the local Drake’s for years. Nicer staff, no automatic checkouts, less crowds, cheaper prices.
I despise the big two. I’m always dumbfounded by how expensive Coles and Woolies are.
Yep. Deleted my account and all previous comment and post history. Haven’t gone back.