I did the same, except it was in the time before Uber. I think it took the tow truck driver close to an hour and a half to get to me because it was and had been snowing heavily. The vehicle just sat there idling happily, mocking me while I froze my butt off.
It’s made me paranoid about locking myself out, even though my current truck has a keypad and an app that can unlock it. I still triple check.
I did the same, except it was in the time before Uber. I think it took the tow truck driver close to an hour and a half to get to me because it was and had been snowing heavily. The vehicle just sat there idling happily, mocking me while I froze my butt off.
It’s made me paranoid about locking myself out, even though my current truck has a keypad and an app that can unlock it. I still triple check.