I started to prepare for 2026, but the thought that “Blue Wave!” fails is so preemptively humiliating that the only logical conclusion was to roll over and let the fascists ride on through 2028. I truly wish I could help or do anything at all but I’m safer here on the couch! Besides, The Capitalists rigged it all anyway. I think if I feel bad enough for anybody who isn’t as safe and I starve, deprive, and isolate myself then I can make up for my own sense of helplessness.
Counterpoint: grow up and learn to say no to your 15 year old self. “I’m just a kid and life is a nightmare!” is only a waypoint on the path to maturity, and immaturity is poorly disguised by pleas to “please somebody think of the children!” Children are welcome to have all their own thoughts and feelings, but having thoughts and feelings doesn’t entitle or qualify anybody to amplify them into leadership and policy.