If the ‘thing you dont agree’ with is hate speech or shit promotting violence for example that’s the only sane option you have lol
If the ‘thing you dont agree’ with is hate speech or shit promotting violence for example that’s the only sane option you have lol
Or just search ‘Wallpaper debian’ it’s one of the first
Lol what the only reason they could prevent you from wearing a cap is because it’s considered ‘rude’ to keep your hat inside classroom. A private school can do whatever they want and force student to wear uniforme but in public school you can wear whatever you want except specific banned religious symbole (cross, kippa, headscarf etc…)
Everyone know saying Tiananmen Square on Western platform make you a true freedom of speech based brave whistleblower chad that risk his life for liberty.
There’s a vicious circle where the less public service you’ll set in a rural areas the more people will move away from it. If you want people to moove back from dense to rural areas you got to give them some decent services.
Hahaha that’s false just look at the number most German died on East front (3millions), it was by far the most deadly and Russia been in war from way longer than USA who came at the end.
They were pretty good at it back in the days
Do you expect Putin to shoot himself ?
Ben d’un côté vous avez la mer je vous envie tellement :D
Merci pour l’instance locale !
Perso je trouve ça utile, je pense que inciter les gens à ignorer le contenu avec lesquels ils sont en désaccord est globalement négatif pour les débats et échanges d’idées et mène juste a plus d’entre soi. Un post controversé me donne beaucoup plus envie de lire et participer au débat et le ratio des votes donne une mesure de cette info même si elle est imparfaite.
J’ai repris le taf ce lundi. J’ai déjà passé plus de 4h dans le ReR A en 2 jours, 2 malaise voyageur ce matin et faut se battre pour rentrer dedans le soir. Bref envie de crever