Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • You’re not laying plumbing and electric through an old growth forest. The roots of those trees won’t allow it. You’ve got to clear the whole lot and then replant.

    Okay, but… What if… You didn’t bury the pipes and wires and put them overground (you have good points, I’m just shit-posting NCD-style now)? Snake them between the trees. You don’t have to have houses all in a row. Sure, they’re less efficient space-wise, but then you can have your yard and your white picket fence without disturbing the surrounding environment!

    That would require a local nursery specializing in the cultivation of native plants at the scale the developer requires. At the industrial level, its easier to just ship in some stock variants, whether they work locally or not.

    Just uproot the trees and replant them later, EZ.

    From an ecological level, it is easier to simply not break things than it is to fix them afterwards. Stripping the soil and resodding it, tearing up all the old plants and replanting, and kicking out the native wildlife for years at a time isn’t in any way conducive to ecological preservation.

    Yeah, well, we’re gonna have to learn how to do it eventually.

    From a semi-serious standpoint, if our population keeps growing, we’re either going to have to learn how to tear up ground and then replace it in an ecologically-friendly manner, or we’re going to have to push off into space. We’re currently scheduled to have a population collapse due to climate change, but let’s be honest here, that’s going to come with significant ecological destruction which will require significant ecological reconstruction if we ever want to try to return earth to its pre-change state.

    Cough I mean: nature put it there, just have nature put it back. Simple as.

  • Counterpoint: they didn’t need to clear all the trees, or at the very least, they could have replaced them with more native trees once they were done building. I’m not gonna pretend that houses don’t cause a ton of environmental destruction, but imo they really don’t have to continue to be destructive long-term; they do it because people usually go with the lowest bidder.

  • I was curious enough that I looked into it a bit and it sounds like the difference is negligible at this point because they added keyboard binds for partial presses in response to analog keyboards(?). Again, I haven’t played TM2 or anything after, last game I played was TMUF/TMNF, so I haven’t tried using them myself, however when I was looking to see what the kb/controller/wheel split was I found a lot of people saying that there isn’t a strong reason to use one over the other anymore due to the new binds.

    Edit: it actually makes me kinda happy to talk about this. I loved the games as a teenager, but they were too niche and I never had anyone to talk to about them.

    Edit 2: damn, I remember finding the OG game at Fry’s and thinking it looked like the coolest game ever and getting confused when no one else thought it was sick as fuck (everyone was into Halo and CoD, and tbf, I was into them too; but I had patrician tastes that spanned multiple genres, not like the casuals I grew up around u.u)

  • Huh, I was under the impression that high level players used keyboards and that gamepads were unusual. I was almost certain I’d read that keyboards were considered better because they were full-on/full-off instead of analog; the logic being that it let you respond faster. Where an analog stick would have some ramp-up time when you switch directions, a keyboard would register a full press the moment the key is pressed far enough to complete the circuit. Meanwhile, the physics of Nations were made with keyboards in mind, so analog controls wouldn’t offer that much of an improvement.

    At least, I was sure that’s what I’d read.

    Edit: that may have been before TrackMania 2, I’m not even sure if Nations supports analog controls. I haven’t played any of the games after Nations/United.

  • TrackMania – I recommend Nations Forever if you’re starting out; it’s free and Nations was the “meta” environment (different environments have different physics) for a long time, so there’s a fuckton of custom content for it.

    As for what it is: it’s like the racing genre’s Quake equivalent. It’s also like super hot wheels. And it’s like Mario Maker. You make all kinds of crazy tracks with it, like Mario Maker. The tracks feature all kinds of wall rides, half-pipes, jumps, loops, and so on, with nothing more than inertia holding you to the track; like hot wheels. And finally, like Quake (and Mario Maker), the high-level players are bat shit insane.

    This is the game where you get people who can hit a jump at just the right angle so they thread the needle through a series of holes barely larger than the car while travelling at speeds well above 300mph (welcome to TrackMania, I don’t think there’s a speed cap). They also do it using keyboards. Seriously. High-level TrackMania players use keyboards, not gamepads or, god forbid, racing wheels.

    All of that said, no pressure because you’re mainly racing yourself, even in multiplayer. You’re trying to get the best time on a track, and multiplayer is basically the same, except your time is being compared with everyone else’s. There isn’t even any vehicle collision (strangely, there’s an option for it, but it doesn’t seem to do anything).

    Play TrackMania. Is fun.

  • Fyi, from what I’ve read anarchists reject the cookbook and interpret it as being pro-government while also having inaccurate and dangerous recipes. There are better resources for the latter (including official military handbooks), while the former encourages people to roll over and take whatever abuse they’re handed.

    When it comes to punching Nazis, would I actually do it IRL? I’m not sure. It’d probably depend on whether I’m in a “fuck it, we ball” kinda mood or not. If I am, then I’m absolutely going to try and wreck the Nazi to the best of my ability. They might not get back up. If not, then I’d probably just roll my eyes, lose a little more faith in humanity, and keep going.

    What you need to realize is that the Nazi would absolutely do the same to you, possibly worse, if given the chance; and people are too busy to research every single person they come across and are too desensitized to respond to “he’s literally a Nazi” (America’s right wing did a great job of painting “Nazi” as being meaningless in a modern context). That makes it very easy for them to lie to the general population about their goals.

    Look at how far Trump and Vance have gotten. They literally support Nazis and Klansmen (Ku Klux Klan), yet people seemed to actually believe that Biden was as bad as Trump. It wasn’t until Trump started talking about Hatians eating pets at a national debate that people stopped and were like, “damn, what the fuck?”

    What if he hadn’t though? What if he’d managed to keep his cool and pretend to be normal? The thing that scares me is that I think he might still have a chance, simply because I think the recent debate may have inspired false confidence in Democrats.

    Nazis, Klansmen, bigoted institutions in general, will take a mile if you give them an inch, and proceed to wrap it around your neck and hang you from a tree with it; and they’re very good at getting what they want because they’ll literally eat shit if they believe it’ll help them win. They believe utopia is achieved through oppression and mass murder; wouldn’t you do anything you can to achieve utopia if you think it’s in arms reach, especially when the path is obvious thanks to the efforts of prior fascists?

    That’s why you punch Nazis. That’s why people say that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. A Nazi’s idea of utopia is forged with blood and torment; and they’re willing to do anything to make it a reality.

  • I sometimes hear furries mess up and refer to women as “female humans” or something along those lines, but that’s mainly because furries usually think in “male/female” instead of “man/woman” (or at least all the ones I’ve met seem to). For an example, “Cat-woman” can be kinda ambiguous and (at least imo) sounds kinda odd since “woman” is usually exclusive to female humans. In this example, are we talking about a woman who’s obsessed with cats, a woman who is a cat (a female feline with human features), an anime cat girl (a woman with cat features), or a DC Comics character (a woman who dresses up like a cat)?

    Otherwise though, yeah. Yeah, especially, especially when someone refers to women as “females” as in “check out those females over there”. That’s creepy. Even furries would rather say something like, “check out those gals over there”, regardless of context.

    Edit: also, does this hypothetical person say “males” too, or is it “man/female”? “Man/female” is a massive red flag.

  • Yeah, you’re right. Tbh I’d rather if they were gone so they don’t have a chance to escape and rejoin the real world, but there just isn’t a great solution to the problem that doesn’t end up with others suffering in some way. The people who do this kinda shit either A) do it knowing they’ll eventually get caught and believe the risk is worth the reward, or B) they’re so disconnected from reality that nothing can deter them from following whatever fucked up thoughts pop into their heads. A) knows exactly what they’re doing and are doing it anyway, while B) is basically an animal with human intelligence at that point. You ain’t stopping either one of them.

  • The wife/stepmother should be in prison too as it sounds like she helped him cover it up.

    According to the lawsuit, the father’s uncle Kevin Montgomery contacted the agency to tell them Harmony had a “vibrant” black eye after she was “punched clear in the eye socket with full force” and that Adam had told him he’d “bounced her off” every wall in the house.

    Imagine being related to that piece of shit, seeing how horrible of a person he is, and being forced to watch him destroy a child’s life while the government refuses to do anything. I’m amazed the father isn’t dead. Being sentenced to prison or executed is too merciful. He should be tied up in public and subjected to a constant, high but non-lethal electric current until he dies of dehydration.

    Edit: this is less about revenge and more about how I’m very low on empathy and patience for the shit heads of the world right now; and I’m extremely tired of them and wondering what it’d take to make them shut up and go away.