Oh boy, what a name xD It is very accurate and to the point tho. Perfectly highlights how fucking weird it is.
Oh boy, what a name xD It is very accurate and to the point tho. Perfectly highlights how fucking weird it is.
Jesus christ, it’s been months! Why aren’t ee protecting our selves? Ban and sanction Elon! What’s with the wait? We rarely wait THIS long to act on Russian or Chinese bullshit, and THEY TRY TO HIDE IT!
I thought the whole point was that the dems are liars and the reps just openly say “how it is”. Nothing changed, MAGA did not change their rhetoric. I’d really like to know what goes on in their heads.
Nope, but yes, it was even worse while I still had windows.
YouTube on Firefox is a complete no go as far as I’ve tried. And not sure how much Firefox is to blame since other video players work just fine on it.
But no, I’m using Opera or other chromium browsers for Youtube nowadays. Still jitters from time to time.
Honestly feels like that’s necessary, with how much youtube jitters on my gaming rig. At least before I remember that YouTube runs like shit on every machine.
Quite so, just felt it was an important caveat to add.
In extreme cases sure, tho I feel the need to point out the context of the vats majority of criminals being conditioned into crime by their surrounding. Poverty and discrimination come to mind among others. I my opinion the best way to prevent anything is to hit it at its source, in this case making every day life more livable. Not only does that mean life must be comfortably affordable, but mental health should also be a top priority.
Mmm, yet again, America is right on time for my weekly “WTF!!!” moment. American horrors are starting to make a lot more sense…
I occasionally do the same with an album I know takes almost exactly 1 hour to play. Have it in the background and roughly know what time it is.
My phone NEVER leaves my side, that’s not a big issue. And thankfully my wallet is 99% obsolete, as most of the cards are already in my phone, and the few that aren’t fit in my flip case. Keys are another story, fuck keys! Bulky loud ass bullshit! I’d love a keychain that could live in my phone or have the format of a card.
My Renault car has a pretty neat card that auto locks and unlocks the car. I just keep it in my breast pocket (or backpack in the summer) and forget about it.
Ya sure did, and back into my hole I go! You’ll never get me alive!
Huh, so we’re all worried about foreign interference from Russia and friends, but the US just does it over the table? Really???
After being forced to use an iMac in collage, I’ll admit it’s fine and definitely better than windows. But it’s still annoying. I wouldn’t call not being able to use the F key row, just because I dare to use a non apple keyboard a “working computer”, just as a most in my face example, there’s much more. It works and it does so looking pretty, as long as you have literally zero personal preferences.
I hate how this race to the bottom makes China look better and better each year. Fucking China! Good job assholes! The US is getting dangerously close to becoming just as bad… Well, except for the about to be fucking poor like Russia part.
The risks the CEO takes we simple people will never understand or be brave enough for.
I hate christmas and I can’t wait for it to be over. I actually quite like winter, but christmas always comes to ruin it. The whole thing is a sham, no matter what country does it. Stupid half made up traditions aside, I hate people feeling obligated to get me shit and cutting deeper into our already suffering wallets just to keep our fragile system from immediately imploding.
The only reason I have a windows laptop at home is because my employer forces me to. It’s true that Adobe and MS stuff doesn’t run or runs bad, same with some specific live service games. Personally I hate all of those and am more than happy to avoid em like the plague outside of work hours. They’re horrible inadequate tools and horrible predatory games. Everything I actually wanted personally, has so far run just fine for years.
Edit: Remembered one specific thing that does really suck on Linux, and that’s music production. That area is absolutely cluttered with proprietary shit. Even switching between windows and macos is a pain as many of the tools are just not compatible.
Also European here. And just to bring some more up to date examples.
My colleague bought a nice big flat some 5 odd years ago. If he wanted to buy the exact same thing today, he literally wouldn’t be able to afford it, not even with much worse terms. For the same money he’d need to move to some small dinky house in the countryside.
My aunt bought a flat 7 years ago for almost 1.5 million CZK, and then 2 years later one for 2 mil. Today, they’re both worth at least 10 each.
Income has not grown like that in the past decade. These are arguably successful people that literally wouldn’t be able to recreate their success today, only a few years later. Shit’s going down hill and it’s going down hill fast.
So for me and my GF, buying a house is a pipe dream. We just about manage renting our current flat, which is already cheap, we both earn comfortably above average and she even works overtime often enough. Buying a house or having a child are literally crippling decisions.
Considering they’re being actively and without denial used to fuck us over, yes. I’m not going to play the censorship card. The US is now no better than Russia, there’s no reason we should treat them better. US platforms are now literally an offensive weapon, Musk already started riots over fake news and is directly and openly meddling in our politics. This shit needs to stop. Just like we blocked RT news, this needs to go.
It’s in the same vein like Trump threatening military action against Greenland. Trump is literally committing extortion under the treat of war. The US is an actively hostile nation that targets everyone including their own allies. Like what the actual fuck? How did we get here? We need to decouple from the US as soon as possible. I’d go as far as compare the US to a ravid animal on the international stage, I’m absolutely mortified by what’s going on.