Yep, we do get those occasional -40C days every few winters. You put it well, it’s a good reminder ones mortality and that we really shouldnt have left the savanna, to be totally honest.
Finnish oddovert
Yep, we do get those occasional -40C days every few winters. You put it well, it’s a good reminder ones mortality and that we really shouldnt have left the savanna, to be totally honest.
I see you have not experienced -30C going on and and on for weeks on end. I promise you, the little wet chills are better. Especially when its windy, though I imagine you dutch know all about that nastyness.
Ei ole sitä pdf:ää enää käsillä, mutta jotakuinkin vain siitä, että lupia tietojen yhdistelyyn en ole antanut enkä anna lupia varsinkaan tietojeni myyntiin.
Vetosivat oikeutettuun tutkimukselliseen etuun tms.
Pitää kokeilla GDPR:ään vedoten laittaa uudestaan jossakin välissä.
Minulle taas tuli kielteinen vastaus. Minkälaisia sanamuotoja käytit omassa kiellossasi? Voisi kokeilla ihan piruuttaan kieltämistä uudestaan.
Kyllä tässä maassa on kusipäiseksi jenkkituontitavaraksi mennyt vähän kaikki hallinnollinen touhu viime aikoina. Vai onko se aina ollut?
Kirveelle olis töitä taas, saatana.
Olet oikeassa, THL:lle itsekin sen laitoin. Korjaan sen postaukseen.
Thats a bit rapey, not gonna lie.
At least they already seem to export their labour for american companies:
Doh! And thank you.
How can I donate to to help ease the financial burden a even a little bit?
Core has also been quite helpfull in open access science.
No, poison the idiots.
What generation? I’m an elder millenial and I always thought Google Video/Vimeo/Youtube was/is shit for any kind of actual informential content. Music videos, meme videos - sure. Other than that, veeerrry great amount of suss on any info presented. Same goes for 90+% of people of my generation, who know what kind of a jokepool 90’s/early 2000’s internet was.
So what gen are you referring to?
This is also a big reason why I’m few weeks from submitting my masters for inspection, and 90% of my references/sources are from Annas Archive / Zlib. Our uni library, in supposedly rich nordic country Finland, just cant afford all the licenses. Luckily all our professors and researchers are in on the “secret”, but its just a fucking joke.
Most of the world economy is on the same fucking joke. Just leeches upon leeches upon leeches… And so few people giving anything usefull to the world. I fucking try, but god damn these useless money leeches in the middle try to make it hard as possible. Fuck. So fucking angry, but what can I do but try to minimize the damages I do on my personal part.
1Ooh that sounds nice, because I have an Nvidia card.
What would be The Linux that works for most windows games and majority of enterprise corporate software? Or a linux version that can get older warez windows software to work, like Photoshop CS 6 and the like?
Thank you 0v0, that did it!
For the future in case there are similar cases, is there a way to select that with the picker tool or is that just something you have to know about?
I thank you, but your solution does not work, which you would know if you read the post.
Päivitys: uusi tietojen käytön kielto THL:lle/Finndatalle poiki vastauksen: GDPR:ään ja mahdolliseen henkilökohtaiseen haittaan vedoten kielto meni läpi. Pyysin tästä myös kirjallisia todisteita, niin lähettivät kirjatun kirjeen, jossa toteavat etteivät käytä tai jaa tietoja. Varaavat tosin vielä oikeuden tietojen jakamiseen, jos poliisi- tai muut turvallisuusviranomaiset sellaisia pyytävät.
Onko sitä nyt vihdoin ja viimein keski-ikäinen, kun jaksaa valittaa ja tapella virastojen kanssa.