Not the ultrahuman ring, but I have the oura ring and it does sleep very well. All the info pops up in my health app. The only thing I lose if I don’t wear my watch to bed is nightime vO2 measurements.
Not the ultrahuman ring, but I have the oura ring and it does sleep very well. All the info pops up in my health app. The only thing I lose if I don’t wear my watch to bed is nightime vO2 measurements.
Likely not affected, by this issue at least.
That being said… SD cards are notoriously faillable and do not like to high read/write cycles. If you’re keeping data there long term, you shouldn’t be. It’s why most professional cameras come with two sd cards in case one fails.
Honestly, as someone that’s just swapped over into the Apple ecosystem, some of the reactions here are extremely off-putting. LTT has its clear biases here. In general, they’re a big fan of Apple’s hardware capabilities, especially surrounding the M-series CPUs. They aren’t a big fan of their misleading marketing, pricing, product segmentation, or locked down ecosystem. I feel like that is a very fair stance. Linus used to daily drive Airpods and wear an Apple watch, despite being staunchly an Android user ffs.