• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Managed to fix it by using await get_tree().process_frame instead. It seems that idle_frame appears to no longer exist in Godot 4.1?

    So my full code for triggering the screenshot function is:

    func _on_SaveReport_pressed():
    	await get_tree().process_frame
    	$"%SaveReport".visible = false
    	$"%BackMainMenu".visible = false
    	await get_tree().process_frame
    	$"%SaveReport".visible = true
    	$"%BackMainMenu".visible = true

    For some reason, I have to await before I turn the interface elements off, and after I’ve turned them off. It now works a treat for my app. Thank you for your assistance!

  • await get_tree().idle_frame

    Thank you for this! I just tried it out but unfortunately Godot throws an error on await get_tree().idle_frame : Invalid get index 'idle_frame' (on base: 'SceneTree').

    Could it be because I’m running in application mode, which only refreshes the screen if there’s an update?

    As an alternative, I’ve put the code to turn things off into its own function:

    func turn_off():
    	$"%SaveReport".visible = false
    	$"%BackMainMenu".visible = false

    I’ve then tried an await turn_off()

    The code runs, but doesn’t do anything and the screenshot still gets saved with the buttons visible.

    I’m trying both await functions just before the take_screenshot() function like so:

    	await turn_off()
    	await get_tree().idle_frame

    Am I missing something very obvious here? Any help would be much appreciated!

  • I’ve been on Manjaro for about 1.5 years now too. I switched over to the Unstable branch a while back, which fixed this issue for me. This branch seems to be getting all packages at the same speed as regular Arch. Plus, I still get the Manjaro-specific kernels, access to their repos, integrated pamac, etc. For now, I’m sticking with Manjaro this way.