Tak oprava, teď jsem vyhledal fakturu, a stála 90kč. Omlouvám se za mystifikaci
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Tak oprava, teď jsem vyhledal fakturu, a stála 90kč. Omlouvám se za mystifikaci
Přijde mi že to tak je vždy. První nákup levně, další prodloužení pak násobně více.
Jelikož jako instance jsme velmi malí, a obsahu je málo, zatím jsem ještě nenarazil na něco, co by mi chybělo.
Hosting je cca 10$, zatím. Doména byla první rok za 200kč. Další roky ale půjdou rapidně nahoru.
Příspěvky nechodí, ale zatím jsem schopný to táhnout.
Díky za optání.
Vůbec. Co oznámili změny v API, jsem smazal veškerý můj obsah, účet, vytvořil instanci a od té doby jsem už jen na Lemmy.
Jediný případ kdy narazím na Reddit je, když něco hledám a výsledek mě tam zavede. Ještě pořád to je často dobrý zdroj informací.
Not low hanging. But hanging non the less.
I agree with Chaotic here. Lucie and maybe wanastowi vjecy may be good for you here. I would say it’s soft rock, but it’s slow and may be understandable for you.
Don’t start playing with your food, when your cat is on the stove.
As in showing false values? Or wrong cache management or something?
I’m also not a fan of the redesign, but you can always voice activate/dismiss it? Which is perfect scenario for when your hands are dirty.
Maybe I missed something in the article and this option is not viable for the writer.
Labor excluded.
I understand. Thank you for your explanation.
I’m not sure if I understand you. But if you uncheck show read posts in lemmy, then by default, all read posts will be hidden everywhere.
Means if you check your profile, you will not be able to see your posts. Or example in avelon, even if you check to show read posts in communities, it will still be overwritten by lemmy and you will not be able to see old posts.
Could be, but also maybe isn’t. AFAIK there is just single test, and that is just not enough data to make a conclusion.
If I set to show read posts in lemmy ui, then my home feed does not load at at all, if I toggle hide read posts on home feed. Settings seems to be reverted after quitting the app.
I’m having a great time. Don’t really have much time to play, but I played for about 30h since early release. I really appreciate that I can fast travel everywhere, because if I don’t have much time, I can just instantly be wherever. If I want to take my time, I can just travel by ship. On the other hand, exploration on foot sucks, and I would really love to see some kind of vehicle to travel faster between points of interest.
But 9/10 from me as space game enthusiast.
I don’t think so, no.
To netuším. Ale spíše bude problém přímo na lemmy. Nedávno jsem někde četl že s tím byl problém.
that would be perfect, maybe a vehicle with scanner and some mining tool so you could analyse and collect few minerals along the way. would be great QOL improvement.
There is a 3-2-1 tactic for backups, which should be pretty safe. Lots of articles if you search for it. Basically I backup all my data to two SSDs and one HDD. And once more to cloud, which is iCloud in my case.