• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • There’s usually Discord servers too that coordinate runs on the different servers if it’s something you’re wanting to jump into! I haven’t does DRS yet but there’s a new DRS player group planned for the start of next month on Materia that I’m really thinking about giving a go (especially since it’s a weekend where my wife is away so I’ll be at home just with the kids so taking over the lounge room for a run wouldn’t be a major hassle 😊).

    Congrats on the clear, and the mount!

  • Fun fact as well, if you have one of the custom facades being used on your house and then upgrade to a larger plot, the facade upgrades to the new size as well! So you don’t need to say grab a small one initially and then craft a medium one later, it’ll just upgrade with the plot.

    Don’t think it applies to the piecemeal facades though (not 100% sure on that) where you pick all the individual features.

  • Don’t worry, I’m embracing the non-grind mentality


    And yeah, totally understand about the lack of good plots. That being said if you can afford it I’d still recommend getting your foot in the door so to speak with a view to upgrade later when you can, only because it gives you access to the company workshop and submarines, which while it takes months to fully max out eventually becomes a license to print gil with minimal work. And since it does take a while to get to that point, the earlier you start the sooner you’ll be done.

    Plus you can unlock workshop crafts to make the new housing facades. They’re often a good money maker right when the new patches drop!

  • Urgh, the Zodiac weapons are such a grind 😒 But congratulations on getting it done! Now you can decide if you want to keep it or trade it in to skip a step in the HW relics. Since you’re never going to use it for stats these days, and trading it in permanently unlocks the ability to by replicas (if you haven’t you need to have the weapon on you to purchase the replicas, so if you lose it for some reason you have to do it all over again), it’s usually a good option to pursue.

    And good job on the Ixali - that too is a big grind and I was so happy when it was finally done! Now you can finally get rid of that stupid crafting glove 😅

  • You can always move over to Materia if you want housing, we’ve still got small plots available for FCs 😊 Probably not the smartest idea if you’re not in Australia though…

    I didn’t enjoy the variant dungeons enough to bother going through all the routes personally. They felt like a slog. To be fair I did do them solo, would probably be better in a group, but yeah, it wasn’t content that grabbed me. I do want to go back to whichever one gives you the giant pixie mount though at some point. Will get to that some day.

    I finally got my last Endwalker role quest done a few weeks ago too! I didn’t have a high level melee DPS and picked up Viper after Dawntrail so was finally about to get through it all (kinda cheated in ShB since melee and ranged were just grouped as physical DPS). They’re a bit of fun honestly, I enjoyed doing them. Hope you are as well!

    And nothing wrong with feeling disinclined to play for a bit! The game is honestly structured around that, so put your feet up so to speak, do what you feel like doing and don’t feel worried about not logging on!

  • Note to self: FRU is the acronym for the new Ultimate 😅

    Regardless, congrats on the clear and reclear! And at least the price is dropping on the orchestrion roll so you can always Seto “screw the rules I have money” Kaiba it in a pinch.

    I’m assuming you’re gearing three separate characters if your goal is FRU launch? I wouldn’t have thought BiS for 3 jobs on one character was doable in that amount of time.

  • Completely get the concerns on a static. I tried to get a group together with some friends for Anabaseios, we were getting to the FIFA mechanic regularly but people stopped showing up regularly before we could clear it. I don’t want to be that person in a static and my work schedule does make it challenging some weeks so I’ve just stayed out of Savage this time around.

    It sounds like you’re getting there though, and if you’re seeing the enrage then you’ll be pretty close to start joining a clear party at least! And once you’ve gotten to that point it’s just repetition for reclears 😊 So don’t get discouraged, you’re definitely getting there! And thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

  • I finally got to 3000 commendations and got my Parade Chocobo last night!

    I also started a new job, have started playing White Mage. I usually main Scholar so I figured learning how a pure healer works was probably worth doing. Plus I took advantage of the current cash shop sales to buy an extra set I needed to finish my Aerith glam which I’m now using as my White Mage glam. It’s been a lot of fun to use because it actually triggers conversations in roulettes 😊

  • I’m more taking issue with this quote from the article:

    “Researchers behind the project say similar AI models could be used to create games from scratch in the future, just as they create text and images today.”

    This doesn’t strike me as something that can create a game from scratch, it’s something that can take an existing game and replicate it without having access to the underlying source code, and use an immense amount of processing power to do it.

    Since it seems they’re using generative AI based technology underneath it, they’re effectively building a Doom model. You might be able to spin a Doom clone off from that but I don’t see it as something you could practically throw another game type at.

    That being said as I said in a different reply, I was viewing it through the lens of something more product based rather than that of a research project. As a field of research, it’s an interesting topic. But I’m not sure how you connect it to “create games from scratch” if you don’t already have an existing game available to train the model on.