He/Him. Marxist-Leninist, Butcher, UCFW member, DnD 3.5e enthusiast. I administrate a DnD 3.5e West Marches server for Socialists called the Axe and Sickle. https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • It’s actually nothing like what China is doing to the Ughyur Muslims.

    Putting the morality of the matter aside, what China is doing in Xinjiang is sticking some Ughyurs in re-education facilities, giving them Mandarin classes and job programs. Whether that constitutes a genocide or not is up to you, I guess, but that’s aside from the point. China does not want to eliminate the Ughyurs or even necessarily convert them; they just want them to assimilate somewhat into broader Chinese society.

    What India is doing is more similar to the Israeli method: destroy their homes or give them to non-Muslims in order to oppress Muslims out of existence.

  • Unitary Representative Parliament.

    Ultimately, Democracy is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. And as we can see in the United States, people do not tend to vote wholly in their own collective interest but according to media (and even educational) influence and voter manipulation (making voting easier for certain people and harder or impossible for others).

    Ultimately I believe in the inverse-heirarchical system: where people elect local representatives (for their town, or a neighborhood of a large city), who elect state representatives, who elect national representatives, who appoint a dual head of State and Government along with an executive committee to carry out the mandates of the national body.

    I believe that parties whose purpose is counter to the public good should be banned. My main concern here is not for “anti-democratic” parties, however, but fascists and other right-wing groups.

  • To play devil’s advocate a tiny bit (I know, I know, debatebro, but it’s in good faith, trust me), I wonder how much of the increased victimization is due to lower incidence of sexual assault against specifically cisgender boys, and how the data looks when broken down along gender lines (or compared to just cisgender girls).

    Straight, cisgender males commit the vast majority of sexual assaults, and I don’t imagine the average sex predator would respect the gender identity of an afab enby or transmasc when deciding whether to assault them. Unlike with cisgender teens, of whom only around half are likely to be victimized by a straight male predator, both many trans girls and boys are at risk.

    Obviously the point of the infographic still stands because perpetration rates are still lower, it’s just the first thing that popped into my head.

  • You can replace most anything with wood or sheet metal. Not only that, but without subsidies to the fossil fuel industries, it would actually be cheaper to make many products we make out of plastic of wood or metal instead.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say we need to ban plastics entirely. Expensive, long-lasting items like certain electronics (televisions, game consoles) are probably fine made of sturdy plastics (think the old stuff SNES’s were made out of, not the brittle shit they make Xboxes out of today). And I’d have to guess there are certain electronic components that are best made of plastic and not likely to introduce any microplastics into people’s systems.

    What we need to cut down on are disposable plastics and plastics in food service. Styrofoam trays, plastic wrap, tupperware, plastic bottles, plastic grocery bags, plastic packaging, plastic dishes, plastic handles on silverware. All of these could be replaced with glass, metal, wood, or fabric and become more renewable/reusable/recyclable and less dangerous to people’s health.