Yes. You corrected a dyslexic. Well done.
Yes. You corrected a dyslexic. Well done.
That is more down to poor marketing. Here on Lemmy or reddit there are big open source communities where you can extol the values of it.
I never went with a software project from random scrolling. It has no value to me if it doesn’t meet a need I have right now.
No contributor is going to be good that doesn’t use it.
Why would it be? Software is good based on it’s use and recommendations from real folk, not *s. Many project not on github
Minecraft is one of the biggest games on the planet. Very popular with the young. Not what many would consider beautiful.
That is quite a mixed bag response. Leaves me between they won’t do nothing, and they might do something.
Anyway, that’s enough about yourself…
Feels like you never truly where on Reddit if you felt it was a beacon of warmth and friendliness. Did you ever share an opinion contrary to the prevailing opinion on there?
I mean it isn’t. Progressivism only seems to exist as a word in America, because the USA has the red scares, and conflates communism and socialism, and so are scared of the phrase and had to reinvent their own.
In Europe, you have Conservatives (right wing market, socially conservative), Liberals (free market, but with positivity towards social reforms). Socialism or Democratic Socialism (positive social reforms, state involvement, but with democracy). Communism (economic distribution but more autocratic), and Social Democratic (somewhere between Liberal and Democratic Socialist). Socialism is where you’re willing to consider the state getting involved in wealth redistribution.
It’s better you understand political philosophy and how it is used and applies around the world to truly understand it. You cannot understand the spectrum, if you cannot zoom out from the Overton window.
Of course Jared didn’t document anything and made themselves a bus factor. Real success is when Jared makes themself replaceable because hiding detail and making yourself critical is the best way to take a site down when you’re on holiday and prevent other team members stepping in and taking ownership.
Top tier testing!
Isn’t this just the tech version of cuckooing?
Illegally using someone’s property to make profit from dodgy business.
Oh yeah, I see now. I misread that.
She went to war with unions and the working class. Destroyed workers rights, used the police to antagonise and dismantle strikes, left towns and cities in economic decline. She screwed a LOT of people. Many hate her here.
Blender or GIMP? Idk.
I didn’t realise Valve had gone into vaccinations, but Mumps, Measles and Rubella are nasty fuckers.
Unit tests, yes, but you don’t only do unit tests. Integration and e2e tests still exist.
Was there even tests?
I’m not sure what’s with your first sentence. Everything else you said agreed with the point I was making…
Christmas Robot? Axel F?
The dependence had been very much encouraged. The political influence there was a core strategy and very effective.