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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Eräässä työpaikan kahvikeskustelussa pari päivää ennen tätä raakku casea pohdittiin mitä aspekteja suomalaisessa kulttuurissa arvostetaan, ja esiin nousi suomalaisten luontosuhde. Onhan se tavallaan totta että luonnosta nautitaan, kunhan se mukautuu täysin omaan idylliin. Ja onhan se luonnon kanssa yhteiseloa kun koko kesän autokolonnat matkustavat kerran viikkoon edes takaisin parin kolmen tunnin matkan päässä oleville kesämökeille.

  • Honestly not the worst idea now I think about it. I have been using the paper towel soak method, but this could actually be less wasteful and easier on the organic composter. Thanks for the tip!

    Edit: Ok so I dug into this a bit more (no pun intended), and seems its not the best idea due to the oil potentially seeping into groundwater.

  • I bought an e-bike worth a long penny and an u-lock to match, and the bike got stolen from the front of a busy shopping centre by guys in a van using portable angle grinders. Conveniently the security cameras were not in operation due to a system malfunction. I was inside the centre for about 10 minutes, so a real bummer. Thankfully I had also taken an anti-theft insurance that covered the out of pocket cost of my insurance, so mostly this was an annoyance, but also a valuable lesson.