Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.

Open to reconsider my views in light of good-faith counter-arguments but also willing to defend what’s right, even when it’s unpopular. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.

  • 1 Post
Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • Plumber here.

    It’s a closed circuit. When you’re bleeding out air the pressure in the system drops. When there’s no sufficient pressure the water wont reach the upper floors.

    Under normal circumstances the system is bled of air once and then they add more water untill the optimal pressure is reached and that’s it. You shouldn’t need to bleed air or add water ever again. The fact that you keep bleeding it indicates that new air is introduced somehow. Usually this means there’s a leak and someone keeps topping it up with fresh water which contains air that then need to be bled out again.

    Alternatively the issue could also be non-plumbers like yourself who keep bleeding the radiators on their own and then the maintenance keeps adding more water and wondering why the pressure always drops again. In my part of the world it’s forbidden for the residents to bleed their radiators for this very reason.

    Also, the radiator lines are usually steel. The reason they don’t rust is lack of oxygen. Now with constantly more water and thus air being added to the system the corrosion keeps on advancing.

  • That’s a bit like taking issue with the terms jig, spinner, spoon, and fly, and saying you don’t care what some random fishermen call them; to the rest of us, they’re just lures.

    AGI is a subcategory of AI. We’ve had AGI systems in science fiction for decades, but we’ve just been calling them AI, which isn’t wrong, but it’s an unspecific term. AI is broad and encompasses everything from predictive text input to AGI and beyond. Every AGI system is also AI, but not everything AI is generally intelligent. ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) would be an even more specific term, referring to something that is not only artificial and generally intelligent but exceeds human intelligence.

    Artificial intelligence

    The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.

  • ContrarianTrail@lemm.eetoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs "retard" a slur?
    3 days ago

    Dictionary definition for a slur is: an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo

    Calling someone a retard definitely aint a compliment and even when used jokingly among friends, the meaning of the word itself still remains the same. I think everyone agrees that the n-word is a slur too despite black people calling eachother that without the intention to offend and no offence being taken. By this definition, I’d say retard counts as a slur too.

    However, if someone takes issue with the word retard but doesn’t mind the use of words moron, idiot or imbecille, then they’re just being a hypocrite.

  • It is literally artificial intelligence though. Just because chatGPT doesn’t perform as a layperson imagined it would, it doesn’t mean it’s not AI. They just have an unrealistic expectation of what counts as AI along with the common misconception of AI and AGI being the same thing.

    A chess playing robot uses artificial intelligence as well. It’s a narrow AI, meaning it can do one thing really well but that doesn’t translate to other things. AGI on the other hand stands for Artificial General Intelligence. Humans are an example of general intelligence meaning that we have the cognitive ability to perform well on several unrelated tasks.

  • I’ll ignore the first part as it doesn’t represent my view.

    I don’t think art is dead and I disagree with the implication that AI simply hands you a copy of something somebody else did before. That’s not how generative AI works. There would be nothing generative about that. Instead it studies the prior work of humans, finds patterns and combines these in unique and novel ways. If I ask for a hybrid of Harry Potter and Lord of the rings then obviously its using existing building blocks but the outcome is still something that has not been written before.

    I’m an artist myself. I take photographs. I’m under no illusion that all my photos are completely unique, they’re not. I’m well aware that if I had a database of every single picture ever taken, then there would hundreds if not even thousands of photos that are near identical to the ones I’ve taken and are so proud of. That takes zero joy out of my creative process and from the enjoyment other people find in my work. Nobody has seen every photo in the world. My art is not meaningless just because someone did it before me.