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Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I hate how Via Rail is trying to call it “an inconvenience.”

    A train being 15 minutes late is an inconvenience. A train running out of the sandwich you like is an inconvenience. This was a complete lack of emergency planning and care for the passengers. The fact that a diabetic person has to be rescued off the train is appalling.

    There needs to be regulations brought in to stop any transportation business from being able to literally trap people like this all because they don’t want to pay to make it right.

    The business will always only do what’s best for them. They’re becoming less and less afraid of bad PR. So we need to make them care again with regulations, fines, and even criminal charges when it reaches that threshold.

  • No one can run a marathon on their first try. What you’re trying to do isn’t easy or simple.

    You’re going to stumble and fall. You’re going to feel weak. And while they feel bad, they are also helping you build the strength to help you finish the marathon.

    Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off. Remember how you feel today. Use this memory to help you say no to the beer. Choose to drink something non-alcoholic instead. Virgin pina coladas and virgin mojitos are good this time of year.

    You are building the strength to stop drinking, even when you fail.

  • Minefield/mindfield indeed. It does seem inevitable that AI partners will continue to grow and evolve, eventually becoming physical. And I agree with the author that these AI should help people learn the skills to hold down a real relationship. I’m not certain it will work out that way for the majority though. Why give up what you have in the AI partner for the risks and challenges of a real partner?

  • You can’t control tomorrow, but you can control today. And today, you can decide to replace that beer habit with a non-alcoholic drink instead.

    I’ve been exploring “mocktails” these last few weeks so that I can still “drink” socially without the alcohol. My friends have been supportive too which helps. Perhaps this could help you. I’d suggest trying it with someone you trust around, in case it backfires and makes you feel the need to drink.

    Here’s to today, friend.

  • Meditation when I remember to do it, but the real game changer for me has been floatation therapy. And combining the two by doing guided meditation while I float is amazing and leaves me feeling a high that lasts for hours afterward.

    For those wondering what floatation therapy is, you enter a large tub of super salty water and lay down. Because of all the salt, you will float instead of sink to the bottom. The one I go to lets you control the lighting and allows you to listen to different sounds or music, or some guided meditation. I usually turn the lights off, float, and let the guided meditation relax my body and my mind.