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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yes, true. I was specifically referring to streaming of non-live content.

    To your second paragraph, that’s a good question. I work for a company that provides live linear streaming along with our non-linear service, and last I heard, the live stream still had the majority share of views. I was a little surprised by that because of the size of the VOD offering, but then I remember how people just love throwing on the TV for noise and not think of it.

    Further to that, I occasionally use Pluto, and I find that it’s often easier to just throw on the South Park live channel vs. navigating to the VOD channel and picking an episode. Maybe I’m just one of those old people. Lol.

  • Hahaha. It is pretty appropriate to see such a shift in genre, isn’t it? I think most of my hours on the Switch are definitely Mario games and Animal Crossing. And not just because of my kid. Lol. (Although I say that while she’s next to me playing AC. Haha.)

    I’ve been playing FO76 since launch, and I’ve actually always found it enjoyable. But it’s definitely a much improved and in ways a very different game than launch. I highly recommend it to anyone, especially if you’ve liked fallout games in the past. It’s perfectly fine to play solo, which is pretty much how I played it for like the first year. But the events and other multi-player aspects are pretty fun, too. The first time I triggered a server wide event, I didn’t even realize what I had done until suddenly there were a dozen players around me fighting waves and waves of enemies. It was chaos and so much fun. Also, the world is quite beautiful and there’s something so peaceful about just walking around listening to Appalachia Radio. Give it a shot!