• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • This has absolutely nothing to do with “Stand Your Ground”. SYG only applies when you or someone else are in real and imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death, neither of which were true in this case. That’s why the guy was arrested and has been charged with a number of serious offenses. He’s going to end up in prison.

    Since you aren’t from the United States I should also tell you that SYG isn’t a National thing, its only legal in the States in that have passed laws allowing it.

    I keep wondering if a legal framework like the US where you weren’t legally punished by attacking a thief in your house wouldn’t be fairer but then there’s news like this.

    That’s called “Castle Doctrine” and like SYG it isn’t National. It only exists in the States that have passed a law to allow it.

    It CAN work but there’s at least a few States that have Castle Doctrine and a Duty to Retreat so you end up having to flee a home invader until or unless you have no other choice.

  • Firewire was good for high bandwidth devices like external hard drives and video cameras because it didn’t require the CPU to do any heavy lifting. These days USB is mature enough and CPUs are so fast that we (mostly) don’t notice any performance impact but in the Core 2 Duo days you could easily max out one of your two cores with a large file transfer over USB.

  • Edit: if you are going to downvote at least explain if you got a counter point, otherwise it seems y’all just butthurt haha


    How is this different from US ISP bootstrapping peasant grade internet?

    1. Whatabout-ism is annoying AF.
    2. How is nationwide re-configuring of DNS to enable censorship different than “bootstrapping peasant grade internet” is a dumb question on it’s face.
    3. I’m sitting in the middle of Wyoming sending this comment via a 2Gb/s fiber optic connection. This is not “peasant grade”.

    So basically you are getting downvoted because your comment is irrelevant 'Murica bashing.

    Now you know.

  • The psychology that causes school shootings…

    The United States generally has a violent culture. If you removed every shooting of any type (school, mass, crime of passion, etc) from the crime statistics the US would still have a higher rate of violent crime than any other industrialized Western nation.

    Aside from that it’s time to stop blaming Reagan for the mental health crisis in this country. Aside from the fact that our mental health system was a horror show when Reagan ended it the guy hasn’t been President for over three decades. That’s plenty of time for individual States and / or the Federal Government to have reversed course.

    Plenty of countries with more guns per capita than the U.S. that don’t have school shootings.

    There is no country with more firearms per capita than the United States.

    Even if you go by household, to reduce the effect of people who have more than one firearm, the U.S. still ahead of any other nation.

    To be clear we can and should do more to reduce gun violence in the United States and small things like prosecuting adults who are accessories to shootings are a good thing.