@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games This is one of the weirdest things I’ve read in a long time. It’s so antagonistic… weird!
Streamer, host of the Literate Pixel Podcast, Tabletop RPG Designer and stay-at-home father of two.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games This is one of the weirdest things I’ve read in a long time. It’s so antagonistic… weird!
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games this is, no joke, my favorite DS game. It is such a fantastic pick up and play experience and I still wish for the near impossibility of it becoming a phone game. It seriously was the perfect phone game, long before that was a thing
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games I loved Contact as a youth, because it felt so ephemeral and dreamlike. It was odd, unusual and quirky, but I gotta say… the ending is so anticlimactic and offers zero closure. It was so odd how the credits roll and yet, it felt like we were only halfway through the game. No big final confrontation, just… the end.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games That Spyro ad. “Alright! So we are going to need you to look like you just shit your pants in the most embarrassing way as possible. Really make it look like it launched you in the air okay?”
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games I noticed a capcom game for Werewolf the Apocalypse, did a quadruple take, and frantically searched Google because I was positive it didn’t exist and it did, but it was a canceled project. My poor heart! That would have been so cool to see.
@dosgameclub@dosgame.club Oh I’ve got them! Acquisition is a specialty! I will try to get it all done by the end of the week!
@dosgameclub@dosgame.club I am a fan! I will work on playing some cricket games this week!
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games one of my all-time favorite games. What’s interesting is that the preview for shenmue includes a lot of screenshots for shenmue 2. The game never ceases to amaze for it’s foresight.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games it is a lot of fun. The sound mechanic is very novel, the set pieces are evocative and the idea of a virtual actress is a fascinating one that I wish we saw explored more often.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games absolutely adore Enemy Zero. I had a friend who stunk at video games, but for whatever reason, this game clicked with them so hard. He would come over to play my copy of it and I would cheer him on. He even beat it on the extreme difficulty. When I look back at how I gamed socially, this one was one of the biggest shaping moment.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games I love how in modern day people avoid talking about that big “spoiler” moment in the game and this review is just like “HOLY CRAP THIS BIG SPOILER MOMENT IS GOING TO BLOW PEOPLE’S MINDS!!!”
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games easily the number one most overlooked survival horror game. Enemy Zero was gripping, horrifying and it’s gameplay was tense, challenging and unique.
I also loved their idea of a digital actress that they used for this and D and wish we had more of it. It was such an interesting idea!
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games whoah, this review spoils EVERYTHING. That is wild! A big draw for the game are the big surprises which are all shown here.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games One of the all-time greats for me and easily the most replayable game on the Saturn. Each nation is its own campaign, 2 unlockable campaigns… the game is so insanely good!