• 26 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2022


  • Yes, in swing states a few hundred votes is the difference between one candidate vs another candidate, so targeted inflammatory ads to motivate more people to get out and vote definitely can make a difference. That’s why Facebook sell adds to a hostile nation to influence elections is dirty as hell.

    In the land of free speech the dollar is king. But again, Russiagate was the idea that Trump was working for Russia.

    If Hilary’s emails were such a big deal then when the FBI investigated they would have charged her

    The FBI literally rigged the last election against Trump. Do you not know anything about the USA? All their elections are rigged. It’s the crappest attempt at democracy in the world even if it was real.

    Trump has shown over and over again that he idolizes dictator strong men. He’s like a groupie when it comes to Putin, that isn’t a quality we should have in a President. Or do you think Russia has the U.S.'s best interests in mind, and they’re our friend?

    Yeah Trump is just another scumbag, he couldn’t be an American president if he wasn’t. he only has his own interests in mind, not Russia’s nor America’s.

    Wikipedia is heavily edited by the American secret freedom police. It’s not a source for political news.

    Because Fox News told you he’s worse? When you consume straight up lies it’s pretty crazy how much it twists your perspective. Please provide me some evidence that Biden is objectively worse then Trump. There are so many horrid things Trump did, as opposed to the imagine shit Fox News spews about the “Biden Crime Family”. 20 years ago I would have said that both parties were pretty similar, just slightly different opinions. But now, we have one party that lives in reality, and one that doesn’t. One party that wants to help make peoples lives better, and one that just wants to shit on the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, while stripping rights from the American people, and of course giving tax breaks to the richest and huge corporations.

    I’ve only ever seen Fox news on clips on the web, it’s not on tv here. Child poverty has doubled since Trump, police murders of the black people Biden despises have skyrocketed since his further militarising them, living costs have increased along with poverty in general, healthcare continues to worsen, started a proxy war in Ukraine (although Trump probably would have too) in his Crime family’s favourite haunt, a place where he’s bragged about crookedly bribing in the past,… maybe you can point to something that’s improved?

    One party that wants to help make peoples lives better, and one that just wants to shit on the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, while stripping rights from the American people, and of course giving tax breaks to the richest and huge corporations.

    You really think you’re not describing the Dems here?

  • Indeed, it’s normal to have disputed claims, even between China and Russia. But as soon I mentioned China in the south china sea, that “jumped out”. If China behaves like dickheads with Russia, it’s normal. If they do it in a different region, it’s the US’ fault.

    Yes, exactly. Russia share a border. The US is a country on the other side of the planet. It’s already lolworthy that you typed this as your first argument. Why is the US trying to provoke these invasions that you pretend to hate so much?

    You hate a country so much that it clouds your view to the point that you criticise said country for doing something (eg: invasions) and then defend another you like (Russia) for doing the exact same thing. “Go home yanks” one second and defend Russia invading other countries the next. And I’m the fucking zombie?

    You forgot that only one country is behind these invasions. The USA. It provoked Russia to invade for years. Russia pushed for peace. This is a basic historical reality you’re going to have to confront. This is what they’re trying to do with Taiwan now.

    I never left Europe, so I don’t know what’s that about medicine. I have free healthcare. I’m not a fucking tankie though, you won’t see me defending the invasion of other countries like you do.

    You’ll defend the USA though? A country that’s invaded more that any other in your living memory. Says it all about where you stand and your lack of principles.

    It’s just I have no patience to discuss with people

    Yet here we are. You don’t even agree with yourself.

    You want this war, you love it so much that you go around the internet making excuses to justify it, you just lack the balls to admit it.

    That’s literally you you’re describing, trying to justify America’s latest war.

    And then, when a country you don’t like does the same, you correctly criticise their imperialism and tell them to go home…

    So we’re agreed after all? The yanks should go home? If they’d done that in 2014 there’d be no war. Looks like this was all a misunderstanding comrade.

    I really dislike people like you, so, and as soon I submit this comment, I’ll do what I should have done when you replied to me: block you.

    What a coward.

  • Russia’s troll farm did their level best to help him win.

    You think a “troll farm” can influence elections? Imaginary or not? Really? Okay, but that’s not Russiagate.

    Russian hackers released the info about Hilary’s email server, which hurt her severely in the election.

    You should be thanking them no?

    Donald Trump has spoken glowingly about Putin on many occasions:


    So to paint it as “Russiagate”

    I didn’t. You don’t know what Russiagate is.

    if Russia prefers Trump over any other candidate, there’s a reason for that.

    Because Biden is worse? As has been proven now.