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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • How is Spotify supposed to “handle” anything here if the rights owner tells them that this is how it works? Like, not only didn’t the first rights owner give them any means to stay updated with the rights, the new rights owner didn’t notify them either that any rights were transferred to them before taking them to court. The only way to properly handle this would have been to tell them to get fucked, but that’s not really an alternative if we’re talking about the streaming rights for Eminem. This all seems like a setup to sue them… But who am I to tell? I’m just a jerk who read an article online. You know who should decide whether or not this was a scheme to drag Spotify to court? A judge.

    Oh, wait, they did. Guess it’s decided, then.

  • That list issue you mentioned really confused me, so here’s what’s in the article about it:

    The judge also noted that Spotify’s agreement with Kobalt did not include a database of the songs it could, and could not, stream.

    “Kobalt’s primary stated reason for that approach is that the catalogue of a large administrator like Kobalt would be routinely changing, rendering any list almost immediately out of date,” she wrote.


    • It’s not Spotify who’s behaving weirdly here but the rights holder and
    • the judge doesn’t just seem to be okay with it, but this is mentioned as another thing that added to the impression that the rights holder made it deliberately hard for Spotify to properly determine if it had the rights to stream a song.

  • Day 16 with claws. Wrecked the bedsheets again tonight. My nose is constantly bleeding because I keep picking it in moments of relaxed forgetfulness. My butthole burns like I ate chilis because I still haven’t figured out how to wipe it - my family has learned to live with the smell while I keep practicing yoga to eventually be able to give it the cat treatment. Gwen still refuses to be touched after the incident last week… But even the desire to be caressed won’t convince me otherwise. This is me. I am a weapon to protect what I love. My body, my choice - and threats of divorce won’t get between me and my constitutional rights to protect my family.

  • At least Spotify has a built in button to just select one of their speakers, so you can use that one to bypass their shitty app.

    That said, I don’t think you can select multiple speakers, which kind of defeats the purpose of a multi room sound system. So yeah, I haven’t uninstalled their app and get annoyed as fuck every time I have to use it.