

I can’t believe a paid OS needs a tool like this. Here’s a GUI tool called OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back) to remove all the ads in Windows 11. It’s understandable if a free OS or app needs ad support, but this is just crazy

[Screenshot Of a GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11]

    5 months ago

    there are literally millions of people who don’t even know or care about knowing how to change desktop background

    I’ll cede “know”, but I heavily dispute “care”.

    Plenty of Boomers are painfully aware of how awful the internet has become over the last decade. Hell, they got to experience it before the rest of us precisely because folks who never knew how to migrate off AOL or Yahoo got enshitified first.

    My own mom hates using the computer in no small part because she takes too much of what she sees at face value and ends up with tons of spyware, bloat, and scams rampaging across her laptop. I have to clean it out for her every few months, and I’m constantly fighting with her over what’s actually garbage and what she’s convinced she needs.

    But the end result is that she just… won’t check her email because she hates it. She won’t answer her phone because she’s afraid of scam callers. She won’t trust ANY website, so she doesn’t use Amazon or Uber or Netflix.

    It isn’t that people like my mom don’t care. They care immensely, because modern technology has become unusable for people like her.

      5 months ago

      I think this is a too much pessimistic point of view. People with difficulties will be people with difficulties, but the fact is that the boomers actually are a little incompetent at it, simply hecause they had to deal with many more pressing things. They wouldn’t be stupid to learn as much as your average person wouldn’t be, they’re just understandably lazy. I too am lazy, so I’ll never cook as well as my grandma.