:boost_requested: Boost please!! :boost_requested:
I need help…

…paying for groceries ($100), pet food ($25), medication ($60), copay to see my doctor ($20), electric bill ($100)… and to get my drivers license reissued ($35). So $340 to survive while I keep doing everything I can to better my situation.

I’ve been searching for a job for months (Monday alone I sent out 19 applications). I live with crippling anxiety and bipolar disorder but don’t qualify for assistance. A friend lets my pets and I live with her but is struggling with underemployment herself. Help finding remote work
would be great as well.

I am lucky. I am safe. I have a place to stay, and the kindness of strangers and friends has kept my head above water so I can keep trying. I’m so grateful for that! :hug: Everything helps.

Buy Me a Coffee: buymeacoffee.com/eshton
Cash App: cash.app/$esh mar
PayPal: paypal.me/seshtonm

@mutualaid #PleaseHelp #Help #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest