For some reason I have it in the back of my mind that they were at one point accused of being a honeypot for US intelligence because of their association with MIT. Probably complete BS, but maybe not. Are they as open source as they claim to be? Looks like they’re on github. F-Droid seems to think they have some Google libraries or whatever that they use.

ProtonMail users, how do you like/dislike it?

    6 months ago

    known abuser vs. an entity that prides itself in not abusing your data

    Right, “don’t be evil” 🙄. Corporations are corporations.

    zero access encryption at rest, automatic key discovery

    Also called “encryption”. Just so we’re on the same page:

    • 1991: initial release of PGP
    • 2016: initial proposal and implementation of WKD

    Enigmail for Thunderbird supports both since 2018. The mail service, be it ProtonMail, GMail, Outlook, etc., is irrelevant regarding security or privacy.