“The idea of unconscious bias states that one acts on those biases, and there’s no evidence of this happening in the medical community,”

  • boxcar@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    BULLLSH–wait hold on.

    before i retired i went through california implicit bias training just a couple years ago. biases do not have to be about race… they can be about anything. but the woke zombies like to apply it to that because thats the only way they can fight old white guys that really dont give two fucks what they think.

    implicit bias is a real thing that until you are very aware of it, its difficult to detect. the training has a cool exercise that showed i had an implicit bias towards southern california vs central or northern. it was very clever and showed the subtlety of implicit bias.

    BUT… BUT… does it influence treatment plans by a doctor? i’d like to see the evidence of that. sounds more like real bullshit. i have a hard time with that assertion.

    when we avoid collecting data and proper research to short circuit the path for the woke agenda, science has failed us. no wonder so many people think the earth is flat. pop-science has been failing us for quite a while.