• Plopp@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    You may call it as you wish. And in some way you might be right. But I’ve been searching the web since the 90’s, from AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo, Google to DDG. I use operators in my queries etc. I’m not new to this. One thing that drives me mad with DDG is that it translates search terms, even if they’re in quotes, and gives me results with the translated terms mixed in with the original term. That is never ever what I want. It really likes to decide for me what I want I feel like, like when I searched for screenshots of the software for a particular surveillance camera, DDG showed me nothing but product images of said camera. I tried several different queries, only got product photos. Tried Google and immediately got a whole bunch of screenshots, which DDG should have known given the term screenshot and other synonyms, in quotes.

    • laverabe@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      SearXNG is better in some ways. It’s a more literal search and doesn’t try to guess what you’re thinking as much as Google or DDG.