• ReakDuck@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Telemetry and many more unsatisying solutions and issues on Windows.

    The AMD GPU drivers just sometimes dont detect my monitor.

    I cant change between headphones and speakers except when I install some weird drivers for my soundcard.

    Updates… every application needs to be running and eating cpu to check individually for updates, even when not used.

    Installing dependencies, lirbaries or applications… either figure out how to compile things and manually set paths everywhere or find the right exe in the big web.

    No other desktop with different features. Lacking desktop features that slowly get copied from linux to Windows like PowerTools and other things, but still doesn’t have everything. Most desktop tools and eye candy just dont work after a few windows update and tend to break. Many more issues when you just use apps that use the buggy Windows API.

    Changing internal things need to be mostly done with regedit. Least user friendliest solution.

    But thats whats bothering me on Windows. I use Windows 11 with Ameliorated to play VR games. The rest is unsatisfying and nonsense to do on Windows as Linux has a much greater overall Desktop experience with KDE or Gnome depending on your preference. Much more automation with packages and syncing.