Just looking for some opinions on the next standard. What do you guys think of #embed and constexpr? Will you be using C23 or sticking to an older standard like C99 or C89?

  • philm@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    implement object oriented programming in C is kind of absurd

    Well IMHO OOP or specifically inheritance in general is absurd (hard take I know, I have had my traumatic experiences with inheritance hierarchies and refactoring/maintaining them - hell…).

    I have done that (vtable OOP emulation in C) in my early years as CS student (like hmm I think 10 years ago?). It was fun experimenting with it, but ultimately I think C should be done imperative/procedural and modular composition of functions, and as such expose an API that is based on that.

    I do for my GUI Toolkit written in C

    Funny, I’m currently contributing to something similar in Rust :). Recently it also came up how to achieve cross-language bindings, Raph did prototyping for python a year ago in https://github.com/linebender/druid/tree/idiopath_py

    I don’t think I would go an inheritance based route for a GUI toolkit/framework. Inheritance was IMHO generally a mistake in programming paradigms (at least this strong integration/promotion in most modern languages), too strong interconnected dependencies where they don’t make sense and constantly shoot you in the feet.

    I think in times where React, Flutter, Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI etc. dominate (IMHO for a good reason), I would go into the direction of composable and declarative reactive UI. Make widgets strongly configurable on a fine-grained basis, and offer high-level bindings, but don’t offer more. In case that is an issue, I’d extend the core or maybe offer a way to natively extend the toolkit (e.g. because of performance, better integration/architecture/maintainability etc.)).