If it were me, I wouldn’t be as worried if I wasn’t there to lose stuff. If I was there I would be concerned with violence against me or my family. Not concerned with stuff but very concerned with safety.
Yeah, if someone is nutty enough to come inside, they’re getting shot. I don’t live in a fortress, but you have to make the effort, and anyone making that effort probably doesn’t have my family’s well-being in mind.
I also had a bear wander in my giant dog door, so there’s that as well.
We’ve had armed break ins near my house. One house they tried to break in ended up unloading on the group. Got away but haven’t heard of any robberies in the area for the past 6 months.
Siri, turn off all lights and play one winged angel
Have wireless setup, works really well. If they want it that bad they can have it while I’m gone or risk their life while I’m there.
If you don’t care about your stuff, why would your risk your life to risk their lives? Lol
If it were me, I wouldn’t be as worried if I wasn’t there to lose stuff. If I was there I would be concerned with violence against me or my family. Not concerned with stuff but very concerned with safety.
That’s fair, but the other comment made it sound like they’d want to confront/attack the intruder
Literally the wet dream of every gun owner.
Entering my house without permission while I’m there is a threat.
Yeah, if someone is nutty enough to come inside, they’re getting shot. I don’t live in a fortress, but you have to make the effort, and anyone making that effort probably doesn’t have my family’s well-being in mind.
I also had a bear wander in my giant dog door, so there’s that as well.
We’ve had armed break ins near my house. One house they tried to break in ended up unloading on the group. Got away but haven’t heard of any robberies in the area for the past 6 months.
Siri, turn off all lights and play one winged angel
The version from Advent Children, by preference.