Connor Gallagher said on Naked Capitalism he’s been seeing this sorta ads. Is the US military this desperate?

    1 year ago

    That’s why that’s disgusting, they target retirees for the menial jobs like the Exchange or Commissary, just to avoid paying someone else more to do a job they can exploit a poor retiree into doing.

    You have no clue about my life or what I’ve done or where I’ve been. I say “around the military” because I’m not moronic enough to attach personal information to a forum site. I’m also not doubly moronic enough to sign up for a MOS 11B/C. I know the varied and and different reasons people join the military, and I’m telling you, the vast majority from experience are 1. The poverty stricken who are desperately trying to escape (also included are those joining for housing, food, college tuition, and Tricare) 2. The Jingoistic morons who think killing “Hajis” is defending the freedom of America 3. The career officers 4. Military family children. 5. Those who couldn’t make it in college and decided to join up.

    PTSD, suicide, depression, anger, domestic issues, and so much more are the result of guys being traumatized to hell and back from watching their buddies get blown to bits by an IED, killing unarmed civilians, taking the lives of “terrorists” who are doing the same thing anyone would do if their country was invaded, and so on.

    Only the career officer desk jockeys and psychotic nationalist pieces of shit look back on their service fondly. Because at the end of the day, what exactly were you doing? What did you accomplish? Was it worth it?

    If you can serve and still find meaning in defending the US fucking army, then why bother calling yourself a leftist. Might as well go fully mask off.