A woman in North Carolina is suing a school district, alleging officials forced her children to switch schools while they experienced homelessness.

The suit from the mother, identified as K.L., claims Gaston County Schools; Lisa Phillips, state coordinator for Education of Homeless Children; and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction failed her children when the district forced the children to leave their original schools while already facing the trauma of homelessness.

The 17-page lawsuit filed on Jan. 26 states K.L. was evicted from her residence in September 2023 while her children were students at New Hope Elementary and Cramerton Middle School.

With two children and nowhere to go, the suit states the disabled veteran mother switched both children to car riders while searching for steady housing. While the family remained in the same city, they were not located in the same school zone following the eviction.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Don’t be so naive, we need to spend all that money to protect Americans from global threats such as lack of affordable healthcare and affordable housing.


    checks notes

    Sorry we need to spend all that money to protect Americans from looks closer… there is something scribbled here does it say “axis of evil”? Next to it someone wrote “Iran” then scribbled it out and wrote “Iraq” and then it looks like it was scribbled out a second time to write “Iran” again?…

    …Oh ok there we go it also says “Islamic Extremists”, well that is a good reason! Jeez after Bin Laden it has just been one ground invasion after another of jihadi ground troops on American shores. Thank goodness we didn’t spend that money on stupid government handouts. Remember when San Francisco didn’t build enough shore cannons to blow up ISIS landing boats and now that whole part of the country is gone? sigh and the liberals were SURE painting the cannons with LGTBQ colors was going to save them…

    You know what really pisses me off as a conservative though? No one in this country respects veterans. Every time I go to get on a plane and the airline invites veterans to come on first, I clap beaming like the proud patriotic American that I am. When I look around though people around me are sometimes just on their phones and ignoring this opportunity to honor our veterans. Kids these days don’t even care about veterans and if you start honoring the service of our veterans with empty platitudes around millennials they don’t even respond they just want to talk about dumb shit like how we should at least give veterans free healthcare or affordable housing or childcare support.

    Why does that shit matter? What do you think veterans want the government to just give them healthcare for free after they have fought so hard for the privilege of having to buy healthcare from corporations hellbent on cutting every single cost they can, quality of health services be damned? I feel like millennials just want to live in a communist hellscape where even the hospitals and schools are government run.

    Those veterans fought for our country, don’t spit in their face by offering a hand to them, this is the proud and free land of the bootstraps where anybody can make it so long as they can make it. If you see a homeless veteran on the street, share a smile with them knowing that they not only fought for the freedom of you to succeed but also for them to fail and thus balance is preserved in this wonderful land of god.