feel free to list other window managers you’ve used.
I have been happy with bspwm, but considering trying something else. I love its simplicity and immense customizability. I like that it is shell scriptable, but it is not a deal breaker feature for me.
I like how the binary split model makes any custom partition possible.
My heart still belongs to enlightenment/e17 but I’ve been using i3 for the past few years, and then hyprland for the last 4 months or so. It’s working out well.
Man e16 was the shit. If it played nice with hot-plugging monitors, I’d still use it today. It had some awesome themes, too.
What’s e17 like? I’ve truthfully never used it, though I daily Terminology as a terminal emulator.
Ahhh, e17 - I’ve got memories of building it from either cvs or svn at the time as soon as it was announced by rasterman on Slashdot.
e17 was my daily driver for a long time. It looked very pretty, before compositing was even a thing on the desktop, all without sacrificing performance. The biggest downside was that it wrote its configs as binary blobs which frequently broke as new development releases came out.
Wow… managed to find the original post from 2004. This is the slashdot news story that got me started with e17 nearly 20 years ago.