Apparently LGBTQ rights take a backseat to “religious freedom.”

    1 year ago

    Since this was allowed, what’s to stop others from coming up with theoretical problems and suing the state to oppress us?

    The woman hadn’t made a single wedding website before she sued CO over the theoretical possi ility that an LGBT couple could ask her to help with their wedding.

    The fact that this case was not only heard, but ruled on is very scary for the family. I’m in TX, a state where the anti-sodomy laws are still on the books and the attorney General has said he would uphold and defend such laws if Lawrence v TX is overturned.

    Is it good knowing businesses that don’t really want you as a client? Yes, but this was not the way to go about it and provides an avenue for those that want us to go back to 2003 and start jailing us again.