• squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
      1 year ago

      in fairness I think the way they are able to sustain this “fruitarianism” is from protein in things like papaya seeds; some people like the OP girl sustain it a while but I haven’t found it to work for any longer period of time for myself

    • chetradley@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      There’s a huge difference between a plant based diet and only eating fruit, which this person did. A well balanced plant based diet is nutritionally complete.

      • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        A well balanced plant based diet is nutritionally complete.

        False. Plant based diets miss many different nutrients

        List of known nutrients that vegan diets either can’t get at all or are typically low in, especially when uninformed and for people with special needs. Vegans will always say that “you can get X nutrient from Y specific source”, but a full meal plan with sufficient quantities will essentially highlight how absurd a “well-planned” vegan diet is.

        • Vitamin B12
        • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine)
        • Choline
        • Niacin (bio availability)
        • Vitamin B2
        • Vitamin A (Retinol, variable Carotene conversion)
        • Vitamin D3 (winter, northern latitudes, synthesis requires cholesterol)
        • Vitamin K2 MK-4 (variable K1 conversion)
        • Omega-3 (EPA/DHA; conversion from ALA is inefficient, limited, variable, inhibited by LA and insufficient for pregnancy)
        • Iron (bio availability)
        • Zinc (bio availability)
        • Calcium
        • Selenium
        • Iodine
        • Protein (per calorie, digestibility, Lysine, Leucine, elderly people, athletes)
        • Creatine (conditionally essential)
        • Carnitine (conditionally essential)
        • Carnosine
        • Taurine (conditionally essential)
        • CoQ10
        • Conjugated linoleic acid
        • Cholesterol
        • Arachidonic Acid (conditionally essential)
        • Glycine (conditionally essential)

        Historically, humans have always needed animal products and are highly adapted to meat consumption. There has never been a recorded civilization of humans that was able to survive without animal foods. Isotopic evidence shows that the first modern humans ate lots of meat and were the only natural predator of adult mammoths. Most of their historic technology and cave paintings revolved around hunting animals. Our abilities to throw and sweat likely developed for this reason. Our stomach’s acidity is in the same range as obligate carnivores and its shape has changed so much from other hominids that we can’t even digest cellulose anymore. The vegan diet is born out of ideology, not science.

        • chetradley@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Please tell me which of these you wouldn’t feasibly get through a well balanced plant based diet? I see this thoroughly debunked copypasta constantly, and the assumptions it makes are laughable. It ignores critical things like fortified foods, nutrients in non-plants like mushrooms and yeast, and how absorption of vitamins can be enhanced (for example, vitamin C greatly enhances absorption of non-heme iron).

          • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
            1 year ago

            Please tell me which of these you wouldn’t feasibly get through a well balanced plant based diet?

            See, the onus is on you. You want to come up with a diet that has never in the history of the human race been used to create and maintain a society. You need to come up with a diet plan that includes all of the nutrients I mentioned in ample amounts. Present it to us so we can laugh at it and point out it’s flaws. We know diets that include meat work. Because those diets are the reason you are here.

            fortified foods

            Like dog food?

            see this thoroughly debunked

            Then you will have no problem debunking it then?

            vitamin C greatly enhances absorption of non-heme iron

            Iron is one of the biggest issues with plant based diets in women. Especially those giving birth. My wife’s own nurse told us a story after my wife gave birth. How they were trying to get the iron levels to rise in a woman who lost lots of blood but would not take a blood transfusion (for religious reasons). They tried supplements, spinach. Didn’t work. Hours after eating liver her iron levels went right up where they needed to be.

            Iron absorption from plants is trash. A few people do have the ability to absorb more iron or vitamin A from plants but many can’t at all. Thats why you see vegan children all having those huge glasses. Their eyes went to shit from no nutrition.

            • chetradley@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              I’m not coming up with anything. I saw that the majority of dieticians agree that with proper planning, a plant based diet is healthy, so I put the time into planning a diet that works for me. There’s nothing on your list that I’m not getting from non-animal sources.

              Here’s a debunk of the list with sources: https://youtu.be/xhEstYpyhvc.

              Dog food? Lol. Breakfast cereals, plant milks and breads are examples of fortified foods.

              Here’s a study to back up what I said about iron absorption. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6940487/

              Feel free to link a study attributing vegan diets and glasses if you would like to back up your anecdotal claim.

              • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
                1 year ago

                Here’s a debunk of the list with sources: https://youtu.be/xhEstYpyhvc.

                That was not a debunking in the least. That was a 19 minute youtube advertisement for vegan supplements. It completely ignores the countless vegans who tried for years and ended up with severe health problems because absorption rate Varies from person to person. ESPECIALLY VITAMIN A

                You can eat dog food and stuff your mouth with supplements all you want i’m gonna enjoy, steak, fish, eggs and enjoy being healthy strong, fertile and happy.

                Feel free to link a study attributing vegan diets and glasses if you would like to back up your anecdotal claim.

                Feel free to show me a society that produces healthy fertile offspring on a strict vegan diet. There aren’t enough long term fertile vegans to study because like 80% of vegans give up. There are almost no multi generational vegans

          • squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
            1 year ago

            debunked copypasta

            got a link to the alleged debunking?

            fortified foods

            not really natural (so not good in a survival setting?)

      • alphadog@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        I actually tried vegan. I lasted less than 2 weeks. I believe you that a plant based diet can be complete but the issue is you need to invest a lot of time and plan out literally every meal. And you need to do it from day one or you will take damage (e.g. calcium loss). A normal diet with meat, by contrast, you will end up getting enough of what you need almost by accident. No planning needed, no fear of a catastrophic mistake.

        If people really want vegan to take off then STFU about morals and all that and make some sort of easy-mode meals. I mean like “monday breakfast, monday snack, monday lunch, etc.” so people too lazy or who don’t have the time literally can’t screw it up.

      • squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
        1 year ago

        avocado is a fruit and has fat I think, and seeds in things like papaya have protein, which is why there are fruitarians that last a while I think anyway

      • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        The fruit she ate had all that

        Calories: 357. Fat: 13 grams. Carbs: 66 grams. Fiber: 9 grams. Protein: 4 grams. Vitamin C: 80% of the Daily Value (DV) Thiamine: 61% of the DV. Manganese: 39% of the DV.

        The protein would not be complete. Nothing like a slice of liver though.

      • detoxlife@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        Legumes are loaded with proteins. Many assorted vegetables and fruits can provide everything you need to survive. This lady just went a little overboard eating only fruits.

  • squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    not simply vegan but fruitarian, that’s sad

    I’ve looked in to fruitarian a bit and it sounds interesting, I haven’t found meatlessness to work well for myself for any extended period of time

    here’s another lefty kind of, I like some of “xir” stuff, but they tried going vegan and didn’t feel well and went back to eating meat and I feel like we need more good stories of ex-vegan leftists to possibly dissuade them from being vegan: https://www.robingreenfield.org/veganism/

  • GeraldEstaban@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    Vegans are a disgusting disgrace to humanity, we literally evolved to eat meat what do you think our canines and premolars are for if not to eat meat. Yet these dumbasses are trying to say it’s somehow better for us to eat plants.

  • chetradley@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Interesting. You shared a cross sectional data analysis that criticizes other studies for not accounting for enough confounding variables, even though the Adventist study I shared already accounts for more variables.

    The high life expectancy rates for Hong Kong have been attributed to much lower rates of smoking, and higher per capita wealth.

    Again, I appreciate the concern, but I stopped eating meat 14 years ago and I’m doing great!

    • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      It’s basically a rebuttal of your adventist study. Which is a terrible study and a example of how bad science can mislead people. It’s pushed by religious zealots. And even within that community they aren’t vegan at all. Cheese and eggs have most of the important animal nutrition. So if poor nutrition causes a short life adding in milk, cheese, and eggs is going to greatly reduce that. Anyways, other’s have pointed out that smoking has been controlled for. When ever someone mentions smoking they always brush over like Japan, South Korea, the decreased rate of smoking in America with decreased beef consumption and now life getting shorter. There is no correlation between high meat consumption and lower life expectancy when you control for junk food. It almost always results in a higher life expectancy. But more importantly

      THERE IS NO OBSERVATIONAL STUDY that shows meat to reduce life expectancy. Not one.

      All of these studies are done with highly inaccurate questionnaires. Where they can just ignore whole sets of data they don’t agree with. Which is why it’s better just to look at total meat consumption per capita than believe highly politicized garbage meta analysis that don’t prove anything and at best suggest more study.

      But I really wonder. Vegans practical worship the way Indians eat. If meat consumption contributed to heart disease at all, why don’t Indians live to 70?

      that is the closest mankind has ever gotten to a vegetarian society. They still eat chicken, milk, occasional goat but overall their meat consumption is some of the lowest.

      they eat whole foods too.