Hey everyone, I am starting to experiment with some “smart home” ideas I have. Right now the main pain point I have is that my router is very limiting in terms of configuring and managing my network. Even the simplest port forward is a pain with it. I was wondering if you have any recommendations for a router that has a good user experience and allows for an extensive configuration. Preferably with easy mesh integration and a decent GUI.
I was looking into Google Nest but I don’t really know if it’s good.
Consider a NUC style device, like a Protectli Vault FW4B, and install opnSense or pfSense.
I have not used Firewalla, but from the screenshots the interface looks more simplistic than what I would expect from a several hundred dollar dedicated router. It may not be able to do everything you want. OTOH, pfSense or opnSense may have a steeper learning curve but more capability.
Il second this, bit of learning curve for me with opnsense but I love the protectli vault pro I purchased with 4x 2.5gb ports. I’m chugging along now and learning so much. It’s all good news.