Hi, I bought a mg4 last year. It is the 64kwh version and has run 22000km now.

Today I drove home from work, 15,5km and my battery dropped from 27% to 16%.

My battery dropped 11% and my consumption on this short trip was 23 kWh/100km.

My math tells me that I used around 3,5 kWh for this trip. That would be around 4-5% in Consumption but my battery dropped 11%.

What is happening here?

  • HengaHox@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Based on Bjorns videos, at least some chinese cars consumption meter is not totally trustworthy and non linear.

    For example 90-100% might be 5kWh but 50-60% might be only 3kWh.

    It’s weird yes.

  • cantwejustplaynice@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Was it uphill? Did you have regen breaking set to its highest setting or even one pedal driving mode enabled? Were you running the heater? Was it in eco mode? I find my MG4’s displayed range is only accurate when I’ve got all the possible energy saving options turned on and the AC/heater turned off. And also when I drive it sensibly. I chose the MG4 because I have a lead foot and it’s really fun in sports mode. This means the 350km range of my MG is closer to 280-300, which is fine so long as I’m mindful not to trust the stated range when I’m down to 10-20% SOC.

  • LeoAlioth@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I can’t confirm, but there are two equally possible explanations. First is that the percentage is based on Ah instead of Wh. Korean cars do this, and therefore a percent at high soc can hold much more energy than a percent at low soc. Easily a 25% difference.

    Other thing is (the same as I suspected with my previous zoe) that the consumption meter does not include all the consumers in the car. It might only be measuring energy used by the motor inverter and simply ignoring (significant) energy needed to heat up the cabin.

    In a zoe, the displayed consumption stayed relatively the same, regardless if I did many short trips or a single longer one, even though the range you get from many short trips is way lower due to a bigger proportion of energy going towards reheating the cabin twice a day instead of just keeping in warm on a long drive.