I am pretty new to linux ( almost 2 months PURE linux mint ) and i still find cool software ( like lazydocker, lazygit, zsh… ) but i feel like there are 100k more interesting software to have ;D
If anyone could recommend me some cool / interesting software, that would be cool.
- syncthing
- tealdeer (tldr)
- fish
- yt-dlp
- ffmpeg
- zoxide
- keepassxc
- jamesdsp
- lapce
- mediainfo
I don’t use these as much but still cool:
- helix
- croc
- imagemagick
- zellij
- eza
- bat
- bacon
- du-dust
- ripgrep
Gnumeric, not because of it’s features but just because it’s so ridiculously fast
It is probably more stable than excel.
Cantata is the music player I wanted for years.
Streamlink (with mpv) is great for no-nonsense video stream playback.
Filelight makes it easy to see where my disk space went.
Filelight made my day, thanks m8
bemenu, grim, openshot. thorium browser. And lynx for the occasional “Mom, cancel my meetings” moment.
- Wireshark
- screen
- ssh -X
- Electricsheep
- strace
- valgrind