Hi. Need help with creating the ‘for’ macro. It must take a parameter, an initial value, an end value, and a loop step. Macro must return amount of iteration. Various operations should take place inside it. It should be designed without leaks.The preliminary version looks like this:
(defmacro for ((param-name start-value end-value &optional (step1 1)) &body body)
(let* ((func-name (gensym))
(start (gensym))
(param-name (gensym))
(comparison (if (< step1 0) '< '>))
(end (gensym))
(step (gensym))
(k (gensym)))
'(labels ((,func-name (,param-name ,start ,end ,step ,k)
(let ((new-exprs (progn ,@body))
(newK (+ 1 ,k)))
(if (,comparison ,end ,param-name)
(,func-name (+ ,param-name ,step) ,start ,end ,step newK)
(,func-name ,param-name ,start-value ,end-value ,step1 0))))
I understand that it looks terrible. I don’t understand how you can access the parameter without violating the rule about leaks.
For those who don’t know it already: https://github.com/Shinmera/for
I need to implement for with these parameters.