So during high school in 2018 i bought an HP Omen. I was a “gamer” back then. The laptop served me well and i got through uni with it, I’m on my 4th and final year now but i have another semester left and I’ll probably get a masters degree. Why is this relevant? Well the laptop is huge and heavy as shit, I can’t bring it to uni and use during lectures and in general its inconvenient to carry it around. I’m not as much of a gamer anymore, I’ll occasionally play but very rarely. I’m considering selling it and buying a regular laptop with the money I’ll get from it for uni although I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t since I don’t have much of an academic journey left anymore.

  • compaqdeskpro@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s been reliable through all these years and you’re not attached to it at all? Buy a used Macbook Air or a Yoga, let the big beast live on a desk.

  • Living-Sure@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’d say put it with it for the final year if you can. In the meantime start saving and researching computers. Selling your current laptop will be a hassle, will take time and you would only get about 50-70% of the original purchase price assuming it’s in good condition. Meanwhile, you’ll continue to use the new laptop after uni as well. So after you’re done with uni, back up your data and place the laptop for sale. AS soon as it’s sold you can go ahead and purchase a new laptop.