Hi guys,

I’m a new driver here(US) but I have had experience from when I was 12 in India (I’m 16 now). I normally go fine on local roads. The way I drive on the highway has me questioning this.

Here’s how I drive:

I get into the left-most lane

I do at least 70 mph (depends on the flow of traffic if I go faster or slower) (I will try to flash my lights first someone did that to me and I moved over)

I’ll pass on the right if the person in front is going slow and holding up the traffic behind them (me and other cars)

I change lanes more than the average person (I check the rearview mirror, side mirror, and my blind spot every time I switch)

If there is no one in front of me I speed up to 80 or 90 mph and I catch up to the next group of cars

This is a general list of how I drive on the highway. Is this being reckless?

  • megacookie@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Just go with the speed of traffic, or slightly faster if you’re in the left lane and passing people. Speeding up significantly when there’s nobody ahead just to have to slow down againg later is just risking getting a ticket without actually getting you where you need to go much sooner. Don’t flash your lights or tailgate if someone’s ahead of you going “slow” (likely the actual speed limit). That just makes you look like an asshole and people won’t take kindly to that especially if they see a young teen driving like that.

    Everyone talking about “left lane is for passing only” or “don’t ever pass on the right”, I’d just check your local laws about that to see if it’s actually mandated or just common courtesy. It’s legal in my province (Ontario) to pass on the right as long as it can be done safely, but you’re less visible and predictable when you pass on that side.