I know I’m going to be called a shill for this, but anyway:

Earlier today some dude posted a review by wheelsboy for the Avatr 12 sedan. It was immediately downvoted to shit. And it wasn’t a bad review! It was in depth, it was fun, the guy did an overview of the product and showed us how it drove. It wasn’t some low quality thing!

If this was just a random thing, then whatever; odd stuff sometimes from time to time. But this is a reoccuring issue when it comes to Chinese (and even some Euro!) brands and models, or news, or manufacturers

Look, I get it; you don’t like China. I’m not super keen on every aspect of their society myself. But jesus; if you don’t like something, just look away. Stop trying to drown out EV news from the largest EV market in the whole damn world. If you want that, make your own subreddit that’s just about american EVs and remain blissfully unaware of what Stellantis or Geely or whoever the hell is doing. But don’t ruin it for the rest of us!

  • licancaburk@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is generally a Reddit problem, I think. Reddit should maybe give an option to give higher priority to articles/comments from the region you are at. Otherwise American opinion always wins because they are a majority, and this causes even bigger imbalance because non-Americans are discouraged from participating. I repeat - it’s just a platform problem, not people problem :) I completely understand that Americans vote on things that are relevant to them.

    For example - if there’s an article about a car that is available only in EU (like ID.3) - then the top voted comments are not about the car, quality, price, etc., but only “Why this car is not in America”. For me, as an European, it is less interesting to read, so I don’t participate, and it creates even bigger imbalance.

    But I think it’s good to voice opinions like yours. We should share our thoughts and I hope we will be open to each others needs. :)