As someone already said, the dealer will replace it as they can’t be bothered with fixing. This damage is perfectly fixable though. Its just a plastic cover for the actual crash structure underneath so you can cut out the damaged portion and weld in a new section of plastic. Done it many times before with great success. It’s gonna need painting tho.
Needs a whole driver replacement as well
You can see some some snow on the ground. So driver may not be the only thing to blame.
Personally, I would give it some heat with the heatgun and see if it will go back into place, it will never look new again but you may be able to tidy it up for now.
Worth checking there is no damage behind it as well.
was the sign burning hot looks melted😆
Thats done.
Which sign?
Let me guess - the road sign jumped in front of your car out of nowhere?
If you want to do it proper, yes. If you know a guy who has a guy who can do it for 200 bucks, go ahead
Keep it so people park away from you.
Time to get an M bumper
Give the car back to your husband to drive
Lmfaoooooo try using a heatgun and molding it back down if you dont like how it looks take it to a shop or new bumper
definitely would try a heatgun and some manual manipulation. I believe the back of that indented section is hollow, so should be easy enough to work with some wider piece of metal a bit at a time.