As the title says i overfilled the car. I dont understand how that happened (story below)

I have 2 questions

  1. Do i need to drain it? I have driven it 20km since filling it. I was hoping to change the oil when i changed the brakes in a couple weeks.

  2. How did it get overfilled?

Background info: the car burns oil, in august i decided to top it up a half a quart past full and record how long it took for the oil to go below the top dot. That took about 3000km,

380km ago i filled it to the second dot. Today i checked the oil. I let the engine idle for 10minutes. When i checked the oil it was barely coating the bottom of the dip stick. A put in less then a quart. I checked it again and It filled to a bit past the second dot.

Then i drove to work. I checked the oil again. The oil was at the level you see in the picture much higher then it was at home…

Both times the car was on a slight incline.

When i checked the oil the first time the car was idiling then i immediately shut it off when i saw how low the oil was. Could that be why the car had low oil the first time?

  • i4fart_can_go_brrr@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Here’s and easy trick for future instead of having to get under and pull the drain plug to remove excess oil.

    Go to Walmart and geat some of the longes clear fish tank rubber tubing you can and get the biggest syringe you can off of Amazon. Then stick the fish tank tubing down the dipstick tube. stick the other end of the fishtanl tubing onto the syringe and suck out the oil with the syringe. I’ve done it before and it works great.

    Or buy an actual oil pump.