I have fiber and im connected via ethernet to my router
I’ve experienced alot of disconnects randomly in games (mostly fortnite) where i just get kicked from the game, however my discord, youtube video, literally anything else works fine… its very random aswell, sometimes it happens 2 games in a row, sometimes i can go the whole day without any issues

I’ve pinged my default gateway and during these “disconnects” which showed an increase in ping from 1ms to 9ms and 6ms to 29ms (the spike only showed 1 ping, it went back to normal the next one…

I dont know where to start with trying to fix this issue since it can be expensive changing router or cables etc, some things i’ve noticed that might help:

• The disconnects often (but not always) happen when my brother starts a game, enters a match in a game or finishes a match (we’re both using ethernet connection and we both experience this issue)

• I tried switching my LAN cable to another port (example LAN1 to LAN3) on the router, this seems to fix the issue for a short time and doing this will “delay” the next disconnect from what i can tell

• Although the “disconnects” are more frequent when me and my brother are on at the same time, it still occurs when im the only one using the internet.

I have looked for a fix to this issue in alot of different places, read alot of posts and im not the only one experiencing this but i have found no soulution… any idea where i should start troubleshooting?